
Ether Plane

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 Ether plane is an old/new concept which has been explored in many means and different perspectives throughout centuries.

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Astral travel and astral projection are common, well it is related to Ether, Instant Communication is also related to Ether, in fact the whole concept of Be and it shall Be, the Kon fayakoun dogma is at the heart of the Ether theory.

Plato was probably the first to recognize the ether plane, followed by many leading scientists several centuries ago have studied this theory and have come to a conclusion of its existence.At present; science reached to a more tangible evidence of its presence and have achieved a great progress in defining it and making use of its findings.

Ether seems to be consisted of plasmatic matter and it surrounds everywhere and everything.

My personal belief is, ether is the neutral plane that separate matter and antimatter.

Its plasmatic nature is the DNA of the Universe. Not only it stores cosmic data, but also has a mechanism where it can relay this data in many means and forms. It certainly is one of the primal substances of creation, and could be the essence of time and space existence, a threshold that connects and separates dimensions throughout the universal network.

In the etheric plane anything can happen. This substance can stretch with an amazing elasticity almost endlessly, once within the ether plane teleportation may exceed in its speed velocity the speed of light to an almost limitless instant.  It is the life emanating vessel to whatever it surrounds.  Ether is the spirit and the soul of living things, it is ether as long as it is connected to beings and it becomes soul once it disconnects from that being at its life termination.

If mind over matter is to be regarded as a meaningful tool, then controlling ether is what ought to be regarded as the objective of the mind.

Adam El Masri

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