
Paranormal Size

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Reptile of a paranormal size suddenly appeared crossing a main country road in (Akkar) the north of Lebanon couple of months ago.

What is paranormal about it was the size! It was a snake of a huge size not found usually in the region of Lebanon.

The snake was found crossing a country road and the only way to stop it was to kill and chop its huge corpse by a crane lift.

It’s a shame that this rare specimen was chopped in such manner; our condolences to science for the loss of such an opportunity to study this snake and research what drove it to come into the open. Could it be the heat wave that hit that area at the time associated with its appearance!

Unfortunately Paradetect was not informed till it was too late; otherwise we would have done our best to preserve such mystical creature for further investigation.

We beseech local government bodies and politicians to pay more attention to the needs of local municipalities and provide them with tools and training to capture such rare creatures instead of chopping them off into tiny pieces. That is a future wishful thinking.

As for present we ask our Paradetect investigators and detectives to keep watch for such events and be ready to play a positive role in protecting and preserving such animals in the coming future.



Adam El Masri

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