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Deciphering Emerald Tablet II

After we sifted some of the wisdom of deciphering Tablet I of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, let us delve into exploring what we can sniff out from Tablet II hoping to raise awareness of the importance of this mystical and ancient treasure for the human race. Continue reading Deciphering Emerald Tablet II

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Salma Electric Tuk Tuk

The Paradetect Group Presents SALMA Elictric Tuk Tuk

For more information, and how to place orders contact us at
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Red Mercury Caught

In pursuit of truth, Paradetect continues to investigate the illusive myth of Red Mercury.
Lately, we received a video clip which seems to be genuine enough to share with our readers, the video contains an owner of Red mercury attempting to sell it for a huge sum of money.

The intriguing detail revealed a new information to us, a detail we did not previously know about some of the characteristics of Red mercury which reminded me of the myth of Dracula the vampire whose image shows no reflection in the mirror, every now and then we stumble upon information that takes us back to square one what it comes to investigating mythology concluding that we barely are scratching the surface in relation to truth and accuracy about the history of legends and myth for the lack of evidence which can only be acquired by serious and solid research.
The Red mercury in this video clip shows that it doesn’t show its reflection in the mirror just like Dracula…
This illusive substance share the characteristics of objects from fourth, fifth, or whatever dimension with a frequency much higher than we can detect, I do not wish to jump into more conclusions without further investigation I rather opt to our readers to trigger their sense of curiosity and carry out further investigation…
Adam El Masri

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UAE Mars Exploration

UAE launches it’s scientific Mars mission and by doing so it records the first ever Arab outer space adventure HOPE MISSION.

UAE and His highness Shiehk Muhammad Bin Rashid Al maktoum has done it yet again in being the number one in leading the Arab nation in the outer space.

One can not help but admire the UAE  and it’s leadership and congratulate Shiehk Muhammad Bin Rashid for prooving to be a great visionary and Mr. Number One in the Arab world in the terrestrial and extraterrestrial outer space

Mr. Hope Muhammad Bin Rashid we thank you on behalf of the Arab nation for bringing us back long forgotten pride.

Congratulation and thank you

Adam El masri

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Deciphering TABLET XIV – Supplementary

List ye, O Man, to the deep hidden wisdom,
lost to the world since the time of the Dwellers,
lost and forgotten by men of this age.

Time of the dwellers clearly refers to the dwellers who occupied Earth before the children of Adam.

Continue reading Deciphering TABLET XIV – Supplementary
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Coronavirus Announcement

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A nurse

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You can also drop us a direct message on our social media

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Instagram: @auraiel_gulf,

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Alien origin

Are we of an alien origin?

Apparently we are of an alien origin, at least according to biblical and Abrahamic faith and going back as far as the Sumerian ancient texts, it seems to tell us that our forefather Adam was created somewhere else, another dimension higher than ours called a paradise in heaven.

Continue reading Alien origin
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Bad Science

How dare I claim this statement!

First time I began doubting the accuracy of our modern science was over forty years ago when I got involved in a debate with several professors in behavioral science /anthropology, we were discussing the Darwinian theory of evolution that man evolved from an ape specie and that there was a missing link still not found.

Continue reading Bad Science
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Artwork by: Khuloud Surour

In search of the rogue planet Nibiru.

The world is being warned of a grave and devastating danger of a biblical proportion coming its way from a rogue planet known as Nibiru first mentioned in the translations of the Sumerian Tablets by Zecharia Sitchin, Nibiru according to Sitchin is hypothetical planet that is in an elongated, 3,600-year-long elliptical orbit around the sun, meaning it comes around us every 3,600-year. Continue reading Nibiru

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The word Jinn is of Arabic origin, it is not a name of a specie or a race, Jinn in Arabic means unseen, or invisible to the naked eye.

This unseen specie was embedded in our ancient history since the creation of Adam.

There seems to be several types of Jinn species some are inter dimensional, multi-dimensional and extra-terrestrial who come from outer space. Continue reading Jinn

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Bewitched or temporarily possessed!

How would one know when he/she’s been bewitched or being temporarily possessed?

Today in this age, we are living in the era of advanced technology and artificial intelligence, we tend to ignore if not totally forget the ancient and historical teachings of witchcraft and sorcery disregarding any authenticity hidden beyond the tell tale myth and legend that we so much enjoy watching in movies that Marvel Studios entertain us with every often… Continue reading Bewitched