
Abu Bilal

2 minutes, 3 seconds Read

Is a name to remember! He is a very witty character, yet very capable paranormal medium with a specialty to find lost valuables and helps to set ones positive energy into motion.

When Abu Bilal is around, one feels as if he is dealing with a harry potter movie character.

Abu Bilal once made a demonstration infront of the paradetect team to prove his abilities to us before he may be displayed on our website. We took him to visit one client who happened to have lost a small crystal ball several years back, it was approximately 2 inches in diameter, the man claimed he threw it away at first to check if it breaks and he did manage to break of part of it, then after that he threw it away somewhere he could not remember. This was like a challenge to Abu Bilal to find it and prove to everyone that he is a genuine peace of art.It took Abu Bilal less than fifteen minutes communicating with his companions from the world beyond, and to our surprise while we were drinking our tea in the front yard of a mountain country home with several terraces of cultivated land at the back which belonged to the challenger client, Abu Bilal interrupted our chats and said: ok, I found the lost crystal ball, follow me if you may, so we stood up accompanied by the challenger and Abu Bilal and went down the terraces a distance not longer than five hundred meters from where we were having our tea, Abu Bilal bent down and dug a little in the ground and found it, grabbed it and gave it back to the challenger asking him to confirm if it was the lost ball. The challenger immediately peaked thru it searching for the broken part which he caused at the time, and to our amazement, there was the broken part and the challenger confirmed with no doubt that it was his lost ball.

Abu Bilal claims he has good friends from the beyond who help him do things and help others in need…

Watch the video clip of Abu Bilal.

For further information on abu bilal, you may contact us through our website and send us your inquiry and we promise to do our best to quench your thirst for knowledge and the truth that lies beyond!

Note: the purpose of our experiments is research and not promoting individuals.

Adam El Masri

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