
Consumption Issues

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Consumption issues are directly related to our pattern of behavior. Do we eat, wear, use and utilize what we really need.

Do we compensate, give back to nature what we take from it, do we give to community what we utilize from what services and facilities it offers us, Do we raise up our children to set up their priorities to the essentials of life, Do we teach them the art of living and the techniques of preserving living organisms, And, Do we focus on the Laws of nature, Cycles of life, the Balance in how we live so that we may levitate to a higher level of mutual cohesiveness with nature.

To do that, we need to build up our awareness of what surrounds us and learn to adapt with nature instead of attempting to adapt what is in nature to serve our complimentary needs, wants and desires.

We need to learn how to take the first appropriate pace towards all sorts of walks of life, yes walks of life, and not walks of man.

One needs to replace what one needs to consume to preserve our survival.

Adam El Masri

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