
Gems Info

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Alexandrite- The Magic of changing colors

This rare gemstone is named after the Russian tzar Alexander II (1818-1881), the very first crystals having been discovered in April 1834 on the day the future tzar came of age.

The most sensational feature about this stone is its surprising ability to change its color, green or bluish-green in daylight; alexandrite turns a soft shade of red, purplish-red or raspberry red in glowing light.

If you really get involved in alexandrite, you will be utterly fascinated and maybe you will also feel some of the mysterious magic and knowledge ascribed to it. It is considered a stone of very good omen as well reputed to aid creativity and inspire the imagination.

Emerald – The Promise of Good Luck

Emeralds are fascinating gemstones. They have the most beautiful, most intense and most radiant green that can possibly be imagined: Emerald Green.

The name emerald comes from the Greek ‘smaragdos’ via the Old French ‘esmeralde’, and really just means ‘green gemstone’. Innumerable fantastic stories have grown up around this magnificent gem. The Incas and Aztecs of South America, where the best emeralds are still found today, regarded the emerald as a holy gemstone.

Emeralds have been held in high esteem since ancient times. The green of the emerald is the color of life and of the springtime, which comes round again and again. But it has also, for centuries, been the color of beauty and of constant love. In ancient Rome, green was the color of Venus, the goddess of beauty and love. And today, this color still occupies a special position in many cultures and religions.

The magnificent green of the emerald is a color which conveys harmony, love of Nature and elemental joie de vivre.

Ametrine – Spinning purple into gold

Do you love both the purple of amethyst and the sunny gold of citrine? We have the perfect gem for you! Sometimes amethyst and citrine colors are found in the same crystal of quartz. These bicolor yellow and purple quartz gemstones are called Ametrine.

Ametrine is especially inexpensive when you consider that it comes from only one mine in the world, the Anahi Mine in Bolivia. The mine first became famous in the seventeenth century when a Spanish conquistador received it as a dowry on marrying a princess named Anahi.  Ametrine was introduced to Europe through the conquistador’s gifts to the Spanish queen.

Ametrine is most typically faceted in a rectangular shape with a 50/50 pairing of amethyst and citrine and can also be cut to blend colours resulting in a mixture of yellow, purple, and peach tones throughout the stone.

Turquoise – A Piece of Heaven on Earth

In many cultures of the Old and New Worlds, this gemstone has been esteemed for thousands of years as a holy stone, a bringer of good fortune or a talisman.In Egypt, grave furnishings with turquoise inlay were discovered, dating from approximately 3000 B.C. In the ancient Persian kingdom, the sky-blue gemstones were earlier worn round the neck or wrist as protection against unnatural death.

In earlier times, turquoises were responsible for the material wellbeing of the wearer and they came to Europe at the time of the crusades were the name ‘turquoise’ originates, meaning ‘Turkish’.

This ancient gem has always occupied a very special position among gemstones and it is believed to open up a direct connection between the sky and the sea and the color of the turquoise gives a feeling of happiness and cheerfulness.

Jade – For Precious Health

Jade a gemstone of unique symbolic energy, and unique in the myths that surround it. With its beauty and wide-ranging expressiveness, jade has held a special attraction for mankind for thousands of years.

This gem, with its discreet yet rather greasy luster, which comes in many fine nuances of green, but also in shades of white, grey, black, yellow, and orange and in delicate violet tones, has been known to Man for some 7000 years. This gem is regarded as a symbol of the good, the beautiful and the precious. It embodies the Confucian virtues of wisdom, justice, compassion, modesty and courage.

Symbolic energy and beauty, the traditional and the modern are combined in jade in a particularly harmonious way. And in gemstone therapy it is said that jade ‘stimulates creativity and mental agility on the one hand, while also having a balancing and harmonizing effect.

Sapphire – Velvety Blue Gem of the Sky

This gem comes not in one but in all the blue shades, from the deep blue of the evening sky to the shining mid-blue of a lovely summer’s day which casts its spell over us. However, this magnificent gemstone also comes in many other colors: not only in the transparent greyish-blue of a distant horizon but also in the gloriously colorful play of light in a sunset in yellow, pink, orange and purple. Sapphires really are gems of the sky, although they are found in the hard ground of our ‘blue planet’.

Blue is associated with feelings of sympathy and harmony, friendship and loyalty: feelings of composure, mutual understanding and indestructible trust.

Sapphires enhance mental clarity and heal the mind.

Topaz – Balancing the body energy

Topaz has been an important and precious stone to ancient people of many cultures. It is a stone of individual creativity, instilling confidence and stimulation in its wearer.

In mysticism, the topaz is attributed with a cooling, styptic and appetizing effect. It is said to dispel sadness, anger and nocturnal fears. As well believed to prevent bad dreams, and encourage modest, faithful behavior.

The topaz has been known for at least 2000 years and is one of the gemstones which form the foundations of the twelve gates to the Holy City of the New Jerusalem. These so-called apocalyptic stones are intended to serve in protection against enemies and as a symbol of beauty and splendor. It cannot be proved conclusively whether the name of the topaz comes from the Sanskrit or the Greek, though the Greek name ‘topazos’ means ‘green gemstone’. The Romans dedicated the topaz to Jupiter.

Topaz comes in yellow, yellow-brown, green, blue, light blue, red and pink, with blue being the most widely known…. and sometimes it has no color at all.

Aquamarine – Noble Stone of Courage

From the light blue of the sky to the deep blue of the sea, aquamarines shine over an extraordinarily beautiful range of mainly light blue colors. Some aquamarines have a light, greenish shimmer, which too is a typical feature

Its light blue arouses feelings of sympathy, trust, harmony and friendship. The blue of aquamarine is a divine, eternal color, because it is the color of the sky. However, aquamarine blue is also the color of water with its life-giving force

No wonder, when you consider that according to the saga it originated in the treasure chest of fabulous mermaids, and has, since ancient times, been regarded as the sailors’ lucky stone. Its name is derived from the Latin ‘aqua’ (water) and ‘mare’ (sea).

Aquamarine helps in achieving higher levels of consciousness and in the ability to understand complexities. It brings order, tolerance and moderation.

Citrine – The Golden Shimmers of Sunshine

Citrine is a yellow-to-golden member of the quartz mineral group and has been known to Man for at least 2000 years. A deep golden variety from Madiera Spain can resemble the costly imperial topaz gem stone, which is one reason that citrine is a popular birthstone alternative to those born in November.

Citrine has a very special energetic quality: it does not absorb or transmit negative energy, but dispels it. Improve mental focus and physical endurance. Its warm golden color dispels a feeling of “murkiness” and brings a sense of optimism for new beginnings.

Opal – Fascinating Play of Color

Nature’s entire splendor seems to be reflected in the manifold opulence of fine Opals: fire and lightning, all the colors of the rainbow and the soft shine of far seas.

The name Opal was probably derived from Sanskrit “upala”, meaning “valuable stone”. This was probably the root for the Greek term “opallios”, which translates as “color change”.

For ages people have believed in the healing power of Opal. It is reported to be able to solve depressions and to help its wearer find the true and real love.

It is the perfect gemstone to wear in trying to become your best and to be true to yourself.

Peridot – The Vivid Green with a Hint of Gold

The peridot is a very old gemstone and one of the few which come in one color only and the name is derived from the Greek word ‘peridona’, which means something like ‘to give richness’.

It is so ancient that it can be found in Egyptian jewellery from the early 2nd millennium B.C. The ancient Romans too were fond of this gemstone and esteemed its radiant green shine, and they nicknamed it the ’emerald of the evening’.

It is an excellent stone for protection. Brings wisdom and enlightment and acts as a symbol of pure heart & mind, innocence and faith, friendliness and simplicity.

Amethyst – The Protective Violet Gem

Its extravagance color is as unique as it is seductive, though in fact this gemstone is said to protect its wearer against seduction.

A large number of further miraculous powers are attributed to the amethyst in all sorts of cultures. It was said to protect crops against tempests and locusts, bring good fortune in war and in the hunt, drive out evil spirits and inspire the intellect.

Apart from these powers, gemstone therapists say that the amethyst has a sobering and cleansing effect; It helps to strengthen the connection and communication between the mind, body, spirit and other worlds.

Goldstone – Goldstone is a man made gemstone that has been around since the European Rennaissance.

Early monks working at a glass factory near Venice, Italy were practicing alchemy when molten copper accidentally tipped into a molten glass container.

This crystallized into thousands of tiny crystals and formed a melt with golden light sparkles. This is how the first goldstone came about. Though it is not technically a gemstone, it is often referred to as one.

Goldstone is an energy stone.

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