
Aura Colors and Its Relation to Human Development

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Every color has its unique qualities and purposes. Imagine a rainbow and each of your colors is forming your rainbow in your own sky.

All the colors are interacting and each has its own radiance as a signature of your experiences and walked stages in life.

Ultraviolet: This color may mean one of several things: you may be experiencing a time of stress, or most likely are being inspired by startling and profound visions. You have “genius,” meaning you are able now to think thoughts that have never been thought before. Your psychic abilities are phenomenal. You may shock people with your incredible insights and clairvoyant abilities. You are truly a “child of the new age.” You may wish to channel what you see into a new and unique art form or some amazing new invention, or who knows? Your highest goal is to manifest into the world what you see in your mind’s eye.

Violet: You are the fairy or leprechaun person of the color spec­trum. “Magical” would best describe your life and your way of operating in the world at this point. You would rather talk about miracles, magic, and pots of gold at the end of the rainbow rather than anything ordinary or mundane. You would rather focus on the ethereal and the sublime. The beautiful world of the imagination is where you feel safest and happiest. You create a magical environment to live in. Your psychic abilities are also strong and fine-tuned now.

Light violet: At the present time you may be experiencing a profoundly magical spiritual awakening. White, an actual mix of all the colors of the rainbow spectrum, represents intense spiritual transformation while violet symbolizes vision and clairvoyance. This mix of these two shades indicates that you are going through a supercharged, magically synchronistic growth period. The energy of those around you may be instantaneously raised just by your mere presence.

Lavender: You sparkle and glow with a mysterious inner light. Not only are you a magical, elfin/fairy-like creature, seemingly of another world, you are also a natural, clear conduit for spiritual energy. In your present, balanced state you channel pure, divine, white light and inspire others. You have a need for quiet, harmony, and peace in your life, allowing plenty of time for rest, reflection, and meditation. Your primary focus in life at this point is spiritual. Much of the time, everyday matters hold little importance compared with your spiritual and meditative activities.

White: You are a natural, clear conduit for spiritual, unifying, creative energy. In your present balanced state, you channel pure, divine, white light and uplift others naturally. You may be operating from your crown chakra. You walk the magic path. Profound bliss is yours.

Blue/white: “Peace, love, and transformation” best describe your focus in life now. You are a natural, clear conduit for spiritual energy for others as well as yourself. This light-colored blue indicates you are in a regenerative, restful phase. If you do not work in the holistic arts, you may find yourself gently encouraging and nurturing others without thinking about it. Presently, your highest goals are to achieve complete inner peace and to develop your relationship with the Creator.

Light blue: Spiritual, sensitive, peace, and loving best describe your focus in life now. This light-colored blue indicates that you are in a regenerative, restful phase, but, at the same time, you are channeling the divine white light which indicates you are acting as a clear, spiritual conduit for others as well as yourself.

Blue: At this point in time, you are experiencing deep inner peace and tranquility in your life. Above all, you want to create harmony and ease in your environment. You may be on vacation or just experiencing a “time out” to relax and gather your energies. If you meditate, you may be able to easily access blissful states of consciousness. Your spirituality, rest, and peace are your main focus now.

Aquamarine: You have a compassionate, sensitive, and peaceful nature, yet you know how to focus yourself in order to accomplish your goals. You are a natural teacher, counselor, energy worker, and parent. You know how to help, encourage, and nurture others with equal amounts of firmness and affection. People respond to your sensitivity and caring and naturally want to confide in you. You may find yourself presently in a period of transition and change.

Turquoise: You have a compassionate, sensitive yet practical nature. You are a natural teacher, counselor, artist, and parent. Presently, you may find yourself in a “time-out” phase, needing time to be alone, rest, and recuperate. Self-nurturing is essential for people who are constantly giving to others.

Green: “Hard at work” would best describe you now. You have serious goals, and you live your life in an organized, deliberate, and economical fashion. You are ambitious and desire prestige, noto­riety, and power. You are also full of compassion and can be just as generous as you are demanding. You may be an excellent teacher, counselor, social worker, business owner, or cause fighter. You are full of gentle strength and altruistic ideals.

Yellow/green: Compassion and idealism mixed with a sense of joy would best describe your present focus in life. You have serious goals and ideals and have natural compassion towards all of humanity, yet you wish to enjoy yourself while you work. You have a bright and quick intellect always curious for new ideas. You may be a voracious reader, gobbling up every book you can get your hands on when you encounter a new subject interesting to you.

Green/yellow: Compassion and idealism mixed with a sense of fun would best describe your present attitude toward life. You have serious goals and ideals and have natural compassion towards all of humanity, yet you wish to enjoy yourself while you work. Just because you’re serious about accomplishing something doesn’t mean you live your life seriously. You’re fun to be around, and you inspire others with your happy, hopeful attitude.

Yellow: Joy and happiness surround you now. Your excitement is contagious, life is your playground, and you make everything fun. Even the most tedious of household tasks become a game when you do them because you infuse everything with a sense of playfulness. At heart you are happy, laughing child. You also have a bright and curious intellect hungry for new and exciting ideas.

Gold: Prosperity is yours now just for the asking. Luck, abundance, and joy surround you. You inspire others with your warm, optimis­tic, and happy attitude. Your goodwill toward everyone you encounter triggers a chain reaction of love, acceptance, and friendship. Your whole being radiates like sunshine, and others look to you to lift their spirits.

Golden orange: Joy and creativity are what you wish to focus on at this point in time. Friendship, socializing, having fun, and being yourself are present goals most important to you now. You make your work and chores a pleasure and strive to enjoy every moment. You have a great sense of humor and laugh easily. Your life is a fun, creative project.

Orange: You can’t help expressing yourself creatively! You are an artist at heart and march to the beat of a different drummer. Right now, you are feeling powerful. You have the energy, enthusiasm, confidence, and will to accomplish anything you desire. This is a time to “go for it.” If you have any original ideas or creative projects in mind, you need to begin them now! Orange is also the color of originality and independence.

Red/orange: Right now you are driven to express yourself! You want to bring out and promote your creative ideas and inspiration. You now have the confidence and certainty to stand on your own and show the world who you are. “Creative” and “dynamic” would best describe you. You are a lively and entertaining companion and usually find yourself the center of attention in most social situations. You may be an inspired entertainer or artist or perhaps an entrepreneur with an original product. Whatever you do, people are entranced by your charisma and originality.

Orange/red: at this point in time, you are driven to bring out and promote your creative ideas and inspiration. You have the confidence and certainty to stand on your own and show the world who you are. “Charismatic” and “inspired” would best describe you now. You may be a popular entertainer or artist or perhaps an entrepreneur with a unique vision. Whatever you do, people are entranced by your charm and originality.

Red: At this time, you are experiencing a time of challenge with an action-packed schedule, barely leaving you time to breathe, let alone sleep. You have a lot to do, and you have the energy and power to move mountains at this point in your life. You may find yourself acting as a dynamic leader or find yourself in the limelight or the center of attention. You are definitely being noticed. You have so much energy you sometimes don’t know what to do with it. You may exhaust the people around you with your incredible enthusiasm.

Infrared: You may be experiencing one of several things: you may be feeling stressed, or most likely you are experiencing a time of intense activity, feeling powerful emotions to the extreme. You may be feeling so ambitious and full of energy that you may even forget to sleep. Your entire being is a volcano of passionate life force energy exploding in many directions. Your social life and career thrill and inspire you at the present time. Your dreams are coming true. With a band of this color arching above your head near the top of the photo, you aspire to have many exciting, adventurous, and passionate experiences.

Our extensive color section regarding the different auric configurations, allows the subject and psychic practitioner to analyze the different moods and developments taken each time.

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