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Our method introduces meditation as, a reconciliation method to modern way living. It focuses on what is priority consumption and what is secondary.

We need to start learning about our true needs. Needs that enhances our perceptions of ideals and morals, and improves our temporary role on this planet.

Let us start with the tools we use which encourages and increases our consumption:

Fridges and freezers; we go almost daily to hyper­-marts and carry on shopping till our credit card limits sounds the alarm. We often buy things we need and things we might need and on occasions we may buy things we do not need. We store most of it in the fridge, by the end of the week we throw many of the products we stored right into the rubbish bin. We eat more because of the availability of food right beside us, in our own homes. If we consider looking at this behavior in the cycle of life principal, we will find out that this behavior affects everything starting from the seeds, the soil, the farmers, the use of insecticides, the fuel used to transport products, the increased use of electricity, the consumption of none fresh products, its effect on our health standard, and I am sure that the reader may think of many other to add to this long list. What does that tell us! Well, it should tell us that this behavior is not balanced and it should be controlled. That such behavior needs to be adjusted for the sake of our health and the overall health of our planet. And that this extreme behavior will no doubt lead to over consumption and exhaustion of resources and pollution to our environment, pollution to our minds which lead to burden of health systems, hospitals, over production of pharmaceuticals along with several other things which will only spell as more troubles.

I would like our readers to join in writing similar articles about the use of air conditions, airplanes, cars that run on fuel, and whatever they may come up with, so that we may publish it for them on our website. Soon we will have our E-journal; it is called “Ascent” in which we will locate all related articles.

Adam El Masri

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