
Intro of Enoch

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Enoch… Or is it Thoth, as one will come to realize that this great ancient character is much more than a historical pillar. We are pleased to make available the book of Enoch on our website.

We hope that this will give our readers the chance to compare it with the emerald tablets and initiate a further research into this intriguing figure.

Angels and Jinn

It is worth mentioning, that there are two among several other concepts one can take into consideration: angels and their nature, spirits of beings. And there is the judgment / place and time after death.

The angels or as referred to in this or any other ancient text is a general description of superior beings, superior to mankind. In Middle Eastern culture they would be referred to as Jinn to distinguish between them and the true angels in origin. In early Christianity they were referred to as falling angels, in modern western perspective they are referred to as aliens.

According to ancient beliefs and some theological sources, there are pure angels by birth, and there are two other types of angels by decree.

One type is of Jinn origin and the other is of human origin or any other similar species with similar characteristics. The two latter types attain their title of angel-hood by decree and they are not of the same primal substance as the first.

Spirits and souls

We can also conclude that: souls are the driving force of life for the Jinn and Human beings alike. And there is their spirits. Their spirits would be subjected to reckoning and judgment and not the actual souls, for the actual souls are deemed to follow the laws and regulations of its creator and goes back to him in its duly appointed time.

In Quran interpretation, verses say:

(Al Hijr, surat 15, verse: 29; and breathed of my soul into him)

(Al Zummar, surat 39, verse: 42; Allah takes away men’s spirits upon their death)

(Al Fajr, surat 89, verse: 27 to 30; oh serene spirit return to your Lord pleasing and content)

It clearly uses two different terms in reference to the spirit and the soul, in Arabic it would be the Rouh and the Nafse. In the process of creation it uses the soul term. While in the process of temporary and permanent termination of life it clearly uses the term spirit. This hints to the difference in descriptive expression in each case separately.

Al Quran interpretation, quote: (Al Kahf, surat 18, verse: 50; We said to the angels: prostrate yourselves before Adam, All prostrated themselves except Satan, who was from Jinn, was disobedient to his Lord) it is clear that Satan was regarded to be as one among angels. Yet of Jinn origin which by reason gave him the disobedient nature. For true angels by origin do not disobey by nature.

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Adam El Masri

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