
The Ultimate Energy

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GOD, SOUL, ETHERIC (ASTRAL BODY), MAGICIANS, CONSENSUS REALITY: God is an ultimate energy, primal energy.

Regardless of how we perceive this concept there is no other scientific or non scientific expression to describe such energy.

Soul is a form of energy. A part of the primal energy, it is still scientifically undetected.

Etheric or Astral body is the soul itself as long as it is still attached to the physical body.It becomes a soul once this attachment is terminated.

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These terms among others are used to define states of mind and behavior. Many of it are plausible, the rest are being investigated and extensively researched.

Behavioral science is the most adequate to tackle such vague topics due to its complexity and lack of instrumentation tools, thus making it crucial to rely on ancient history, cultural anthropology and theology in order to initiate any research towards establishing a specific theory or conclusion towards defining what’s what.

In the past, science was referred to as magic

Magic practitioners were actually early scientists, since both apply observation and research as a tool.

Consensus reality is relevant since we perceive reality based upon our inherited pattern of behavior and current acquisition of information.

What is reality differs from one individual to another based upon that individuals experience, training and the data base that he contains in his inherited memory, interpreted by his senses which is the tools that translated information from one form to another.

The physical neuron works in many non physical methods making the process even more complex.

There is nothing fictional about astral body or God or any form of para perception.

Other dimensions do exist and there is a modern science acknowledgment of that.

Our total reliance on physical means and tools to correlate with our individualistic reality would be an abstract obstacle to the advancement and progress of our cause as humans, thus, our future existence on this planet, and yes, even beyond that.

Modern theories are based upon observation, research and investigation. Ancient theories relied upon the same tools and instruments to initiate any of their assumptions.

Adam El Masri

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