
Fight Corruption

0 minutes, 51 seconds Read

Let our new slogan be “No more Corruption”. If those corrupt really know how much they are harming their own economy they would never be tempted with bribes no matter how big.

Blackmailing and accepting bribes hurt the local economy even more than money laundering.

When one accepts a bribe or commits corruptive acts by misusing authorities invested in him, he is actually destroying his national economy and taking away jobs from coming generations from his children and children’s children.

Let us fight corruption together, let us make this slogan our rhetoric for life

Paradetect is offering its forum as a tool to fight corruption and inviting all of our community to join us in counter corruption campaign to rid humanity of this ancient disease which spreads like cancer cell all over the world and especially in the under developed world.

If you have any story to tell about corruption case feel free to submit it to our forum and let your voice be heard and let others know

Paradetect Team


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