
Gog and Magog II

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In part one we have established that Gog and Magog almost certainly are located in the Caucuses region, but before you jump into rushing conclusions let’s examine more historical references to help us decide the starting point of our scientific expedition in Quest of Gog and Magog

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Let’s scroll through related references from the pages of the Syrian origin Christian Legend concerning Alexander (circa 480 to 520 AD):

(144) An exploit by Alexander, the son of Philip the Macedonian, showing how he went forth to the ends of the world, and made a gate of iron, and shut it in the face of the north wind, that the Hunaye “Huns” might not come forth to spoil the countries (from the manuscripts in the house of the archives of the kings of Alexandria).

(148) And Alexander looked towards the West, and he found a mountain that descends, and its name was “the great Musas” (could be Mount Ararat in Turkey, which was called Musas which Gilgamesh was believed to have climbed; several Gilgamesh legends became Alexander legends, just as the Moses myth of the baby set adrift in a basket to escape a massacre of children became a King-Arthur-and-Mordred myth); and the troops descended it and came out upon Mount Klaudia, and ate bread there.

(149) Then they went down to the source of the Euphrates, and they found that it came forth from a cave; and they came to Haluras, where the Tigris goes forth like the stream that turns a mill, and they ate bread in Haluras. And they departed from thence and went to the river Kallath; and they descended the mountain which is called Ramath, where there is a watch-tower. And Alexander and his troops stood upon the top of the mountain and saw the four quarters of the heavens. And Alexander said, “Let us go forth by the way to the north”; and they came to the confines of the north, and entered Armenia and Adarbaijan and Inner Armenia. And Alexander passed through all these places; and he went and passed Mount Musas and entered a plain which is Bahi-Lebta, and he went and encamped by the gate of a great mountain. Now there was a road across it by which great merchants entered the inner countries, and by it did Alexander encamp.

He sends heralds out, requesting that three hundred men advanced in years come to meet him. These men tell him that the land belongs to Tubarlak, king of Persia.

(150) Alexander said to them, “How far does the mountain descend in that direction?” They answered him, “This mountain extends without a break, passing by the sea of Beth-Katraye, and goes on and comes to an end in outer Persia near India”. Alexander said, “This mountain is higher and more terrible than all the mountains which I have seen”. The old men, natives of the country, said to the king, “Yea, by your majesty, my lord the king, neither we nor our fathers have been able to march one step upon it, and men do not ascend it either on that side or on this, for it is the boundary which God has sent between us and the nations within it”. Alexander said, “Who are the nations within this mountain upon which we are looking?” The natives of the country said, “They are Huns”. He said to them, “Who are their kings?” The old men said, “Gog and Magog and Nawal the kings of the sons of Japheth”.

A long list of names follows:

(153) When Alexander had heard what the old men said, he marveled greatly at the great sea which surrounded all creation; and Alexander said to his troops, “Do you desire that we should do something wonderful in this land?” They said to him, As thy majesty commands we will do. The king said, “Let us make a gate of brass and close up this breach”. His troops said, “thy majesties will is our commands we”. And Alexander commanded and fetched three thousand smiths, workers in iron, and three thousand men, workers in brass. And they put down brass and iron, and kneaded it as a man kneads when he works clay. Then they brought it and made a gate, the length of which was twelve cubits and its breadth eight cubits. And they made a lower threshold from mountain to mountain, the length of which was twelve cubits; and they hammered it into the rocks of the mountains, and it was fixed in with brass and iron.

(154) And king Alexander fetched an engraver and inscribed upon the gate: The Huns shall go forth and conquer the countries of the Romans and of the Persians, and shall cast arrows and shall return and enter their own land. Also I have written that, at the conclusion of eight hundred and twenty-six years, the Huns shall go forth by the narrow way which goes forth opposite Haloras, whence the Tigris goes forth like the stream which turns a mill, and they shall make the earth tremble by their going forth.

(Details are given of the fall of the gate, which shall herald the end of the world).

(155) And when the Huns have gone forth, as God has commanded, the kingdoms of the Huns and the Persians and the Arabs, the twenty-four kingdoms that are written in this book, shall come from the ends of the heavens and fall upon one another, and the earth shall melt through the blood and dung of men.

Here is another version from an Islamic perspective:

“Then he continued his way until he came to the place where the sun riseth; and he found it to rise on certain people unto whom we had not given anything wherewith to shelter themselves there from. Thus it was; and we comprehended with our knowledge the forces that were with him. And he prosecuted his journey from south to north, until he came between the two mountains, beneath which he found certain people, who could scarce understand what was said. And they said: O Zul karnein, verily Gog and Magog waste the land; shall we therefore pay thee tribute, on condition that thou build a rampart between us and them? The power wherewith my Lord had strengthened me is better than your tribute; but assists me strenuously, and I will set a strong wall between you and them. Bring me iron in large pieces, until it fills up the space between the two sides of these mountains. And he said to the workmen, blow with your bellows, until it make the iron red hot as fire. And he said further, bring me molten brass that I may pour upon it. Wherefore, when this wall was finished, Gog and Magog could not scale it, neither could they dig through it. And Zul karnein said this is a mercy from my Lord: but when the prediction of my Lord shall come to be fulfilled, he shall reduce the wall to dust; and the prediction of my Lord is true.” — Quran, xviii

And I found there also many people that ate the flesh of human beings and drank the blood of animals (and beasts) like water; for their dead they buried not, but ate. And when I beheld such utterly wicked nations and feared that through such a diet they might pollute the earth… I besought the Power above and proceeded with force against them, and most of them I put to the sword, and their land I reduced to subjection Two-and-twenty were the kings over them, and I pressed pursuit of them with force until they fortified themselves in two great mountains called the Breasts of the North, which have no other exit or entrance than between those two great mountains, towering in height as they do above the clouds of heaven, and extending like two walls on the right and on the left as far as the Great Sea beneath the Ansos (i.e. the Arctos, or the Bear Star – as far as the Arctic Ocean) and the land of darkness. And I thought of all manner of contrivances to prevent them from issuing forth from the great mountains into which they had been driven. Now the entrance between the great mountains measures six-and-forty royal cubits. Again therefore I importuned Providence above and my prayer was heard. For; He commanded the two mountains and they rocked and walked about in rivalry with each other a distance of twelve cubits.

And there I constructed gates of brass and the same gates I overspread with asociton that neither fire nor steel nor any device whatsoever might be able to unbronze the gates; for fire when brought near it goes out, and steel crumbles. And outside of these most terrible gates I set up another structure of stones each having the width of eleven cubits, the height of twenty cubits, and the length of sixty cubits that nothing might avail to master such gates, which I called the Caspian Gates. Two-and-twenty kings I shut in there. And the names of the nations are Magog, Kynekephaloi, Nounoi.

My personal conviction is that there is a cave somewhere in the Caucuses region in one of those mountains that may somehow lead to Gog and Magog whereabouts. Could this cave be a sort of a portal that leads to another dimension?

Don’t make up your mind yet, because there is more to come in Gog and Magog III which will have more persuasive instruments why a scientific expedition should follow after a long debate over the Legend of Gog and Magog.

Keep monitoring our website for the third part.

Adam El Masri

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