

1 minute, 44 seconds Read

If you can perceive the future, have waking visions, flashing thoughts, and have the sense of “knowing”, then you have one of the extrasensory perception experiences that is Precognition.

Precognition is the ability to know and see things that have not yet occurred in our physical world. The types of information and knowledge received vary from a person to another depending on the importance of the predictive events whether it’s personal or world events. Precognitive experiences usually happen within two days before the future event takes place; while in rare cases some precognitive experiences happen within months or even years before the actual event.

Flashes of precognition are received just when the mind is falling asleep because the conscious mind is not blocking the receiving process. The more the conscious mind slips into sleep, the more open subconscious mind remains very alert. This creates a more open mental state where the precognitive dreams can take place.

When someone starts having these flashes or moments of precognition, it feels so uncontrollable. It feels like sudden flashes of inspiration that have the effect of a Moon Light Sonata. It’s like magic when it hits and one wouldn’t want it to stop but unable to do so.

A frequent experience happens, when someone thinks of a person and out of a sudden this person contacts him after a day or two. Skeptics will ignore such coincidence, but when it is oftenly repeated it gets strange that how could it be such a mere coincidence!!!

In short too many incidents are more than a coincident “Quoted by Adam El Masri”.

Those with precognition abilities are able to move outside those basic senses to see things on new levels.

Just take a moment and think if this has ever happened to you, if you have ever had a glimpse in the past about the future knowing that the reliance upon precognition reaches back to ancient times long before prophets and oracles sought their access to the future.

(For further reading: Aboriginal Astral Travel, Space & Time, Astral Travel, ESP).


Dana Arnaout

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