
2012 is Less Than a Year Away

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Majority of us have heard of the 2012 syndrome. The Mayan Calendar, Prophecies of Nostradamus, Interpretations of the revelation and the visions of Daniel, all of these and much more have circulated amongst us and still is gaining speed even more than ever before.

If one goes back to the events associated with the End of Days prophecy events, one cannot help but notice the very coincidence stemming from what is currently happening in the world, As if it is a warning for humanity cautioning man to pay extra attention to how he is leading his current life.

The Mayan Calendar: The Mayan Calendar is actually a prophetic calendar that marks the passage of time while describing how the progressive motion of the Heavens and underworlds influences our buried consciousness general behavior in every given age regardless of which era it belongs to.

There are many claims made by scholars, astronomers and astrologers that the Mayan calendar holds the key to unveiling the secrets of our planetary system, our collective consciousness and our spiritual cognition and perception.

December 21, 2012 was the resonate calculation of the end of times according to the Mayan Calendar. Whether it is the end of the times or the beginning of the Golden age remains to be seen.

Contrary to common beliefs, the Mayans did not actually prophecies the end of life on earth but rather emphasized on a beginning of new transitional period of human consciousness.

The Great Serpent Mound found in an archeological site in Ohio still holds a puzzle to observing scholars of Mayan civilization. Could it be the Niburu that everybody talks about nowadays?

Niburu is a celestial body far larger than Earth makes regular trips into our neighboring solar system (every 3600 years or so, give a 100 years more or less due to lack of accuracy in calculation) causing havoc and devastation to life on earth.

Using their mathematical prowess and effortless observations the Mayans were able to calculate future movements of the planetary bodies and the stars across the milky way, enabling them to discover the effect of earth’s wobbling while spinning on its axis, which caused the stars movement pattern to gradually drift in the sky every 5125 yr cycle (the precession phenomena). They also discovered that once every cycle the Galactic Equator (dark bank located at the center of the Milky Way) intersected with the Elliptical (plane of the sun movement across the sky).

Scientists are still skeptical about the Niburu event, however they do recognize that there is a 3600 year interval as shown by the ice cores, which is capable of setting off prolonged periods of an above ordinary uniformitarian geo/climatalogical levels of earth changes, with an evidence suggesting a shower of asteroids or comets that won’t be noticed till it is too late.

Based upon the Ancient’s observations there expected to be a recurring shower of comets regularly cycling through our solar system every 3600 year orbit clustering together to resemble a fiery serpent with a mouthful of devouring teeth in space above.

In fact some interpretations of the Sumerian texts suggest an alien interaction with our race on planet earth (also, the book Enoch) and a periodic return of dramatic episodes upon us. Ancient Egyptians, Sumerians and early Arab scholars recognized this myth of the End of Times. But most of those perceived it as a transitional period of an end of age or era towards the achievement of the Golden Age by our race.

It’s a known fact that every few thousand of years the pole star tend to shift from its position. It is also known that the Great Pyramid is oriented to alpha Draconis and not to our own pole star, and the pole star shifts while the Pyramid is fixed.

Having said that I need to remind you of the claim of the end of world prophecy associated with this event, It is just an ancient myth and rather a misleading one. If it ever happens in that foreseen due date it will have a huge impact on our earth and its climate and environment and may trigger a change towards a transitional era…

I would like to add that there was a discovery of a large reddish mass of an unidentified object orbiting Pluto vicinity which supports the suggestion that there might be more than just nine planets in our solar system. (in Quran: Surat Yusuf; prophet Yusuf saw in his vision 11 planets and the moon as he was telling his father Jacob).

In one of his Quatrains Nostradamus and in four line poems predicted the dooms day around 2012. He stated that there will be great natural disasters and very large scale famines due to shortage of food supplies all over the world caused by extreme weather prior to the end of days events, He alluded to black outs and cataclysmic events caused by magnetic pole reversal of Earth in December, the winter of 2012.

On the other hand; scientist adhere that Earth’s magnetic field has reversed in the past and may reverse again since earth is currently going through a weakening phase of its magnetic field due to solar system orbiting the galaxy. If this is to ever happen it will disrupt the performance of anything related to electronics, and one of the prophecies in the Muslim world does describe that there would be nothing of modern technology that would be functioning during that time.

Daniel End Time Prophecy: End times by Daniel is not restricted to biblical sources, and not only shared by Christians and Jews, but also Muslims have their own similar Prophecy. But long before that Daniel first recount of the End Time was when King Nebuchadnezzar saw in a dream a great statue with a head of fine gold, a chest and arms of silver, a belling and thighs of bronze, legs of iron, and feet partly of iron and partly of clay. A stone then was cut out of a mountain “without hands” and struck the image on its feet, breaking the statue in pieces, Then the iron, clay, bronze silver and gold were crushed together and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors; the wind carried them away so that no trace of them was found, and the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth etc…

Then there is the spree of Daniel’s own visions of End Times, one of which he saw four great beasts coming up from the Great Sea, which many biblical scholars believe refers to the Mediterranean Sea.

Daniel visions were clear parallel to King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Only in this specific vision Daniel clarifies with additional details about the identity of the fourth kingdom stating it will persecutes God’s People to the point of death and annihilation.

The final End Times prophecy of the book of Daniel, which is the 70 weeks prophecy (Daniel 9:24-27) Daniel was told that God determined a period of 70 weeks or 7 years to bring the world to Armageddon.

Let us therefore conclude that there is nothing in mythology or science to claim the end of days at the end of 2012. There is however a belief that there will be major climate changes and extreme weather which may and would cause natural disasters and all what it may entail upon our planet and us.

Till then, we bid you good health and healthy entertainment.

Adam El Masri

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