
Chemical Imbalance And Its Effect On Depression

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What is a Chemical Imbalance? Chemical imbalance and its cause of emotional distress and disturbances; Although, there is no exact link between chemical imbalance and emotional disorders found yet.

Researchers strongly believe that chemical imbalance is somehow involved in common disorders such as anxiety, depression and ADHD.

Clinical medical studies and observations were able to identify a number of chemical inconsistencies occurring in individuals who experience symptoms related to these disorders.

Common chemical imbalances related to emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression includes:

-Reduced availability of neurotransmitters like Serotonin, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, GABA and Acetylcholine.

-Increased levels of toxic neurochemicals such as Homocysteine.

-Lower levels of serum Magnesium, Zinc or Potassium.

-Unhealthy or deficient levels of essential vitamins like B6, B9, B12 and Vitamin-C.

-Poor supply of key cofactors, like amino acids that are used to help transport neurotransmitter precursors into the blood-brain Barrier.

There is a theory that we at paradetect share in the belief, that chemical imbalance actually stems from our own thoughts and actions, we also believe that thoughts may and can also be induced in two forms, negative thoughts and positive thoughts.

Such thoughts have been Attributed to couple of sources one of them is good and divine the other is bad and evil. That is actually where the secret of success in treating behavior disorders combining spirituality with modern science is more successful. However, and regardless of what a person believe in, There is much to say and debate in this specific issue, we suggest you read About Jinn, Jinn Video Capture and Magic articles posted on our Website to give you a clue of what we are talking about.

To Eastern civilizations, Jinn are but an alien form of beings just like us humans, only some of their species are rather more advanced than our human species. And some seem to have an ability to induce thoughts and ideas into our less developed and untrained minds.

If we combine the records of historical human behavior and ancient beliefs with what we know of clairvoyance and telepathy we should not be so bewildered about the idea of having other more mentally advanced or developed beings capabilities to induce thoughts (remote induction) and ideas into our minds whether it is good or evil.

Do you see that weird, or illogical, or maybe even very un-academic!

Paradetect is heavily researching this subject and our claim can find many supportive references in history and religion as well as in what is still not regarded as solid science yet.

Our claim is bold and daring, but that is paradetect. We dare to venture in the daring dark and damp corners where others fear to tread for the sake of preserving their scientific or academic reputation.

Paradetect is not afraid to explore the paranormal and the beyond. And, by doing so, we were able to help many others who failed to find solutions to their problems such as depression, possession and other things that science dare not tackle in other means else than in psychology, even though, there is a lot to borrow from parapsychology that may shed some light on such vague and mystical behavior that spread all over the world and throughout history.

Thoughts, behaviors and chemical imbalance

How can thoughts and behaviors affect the balance of brain chemicals?!

Everything we do and every thought that goes through our minds happens as a result of the production, release and absorption of naturally occurring chemicals in our brain like hormones, neurotransmitters and amino acids.

When you are faced with a sudden and life threatening situation that demands an immediate reaction your brain immediately responds with a responsive command to help you deal with such situation and preserve your survival. At the same time, your brain rapidly releases neurotransmitters like norepinephrine, which, in this situation may lead to the production of adrenaline. Your awareness immediately increases. And in a split-second, you feel nervous; an immediate tenseness falls across your entire body. Your eyes widen, you begin sweating, and your heart starts pounding.

You successfully overcome the situation and you realize danger has been avoided.

However, your body still feels a little tense, nervous of what could have happened. You take a deep breath, and then exhale. After that, the chemicals in your brain slowly begin to re-balance, and your thoughts and bodily responses eventually return to a normal state.

This is a stressor; the body’s defensive response interpreted danger ahead as imminent and responded by releasing neurotransmitters to tell the brain what appropriate actions to take. More often, our immediate interpretation of a stressor and the behaviors that follow as a result commonly stem from fear, which can be either rational or irrational.

The complex sets of chemicals in the brain are designed to process incoming information and create a response. All of these processes happen extremely quickly in the brain. And, though the effects of chemical imbalance may lead to undue stress, nervousness and worry, they are an important part of our human nature.

An “imbalance” of chemicals in the brain means no laughter, sadness, worry, nervousness or love.

Chemical imbalances, or its fluctuations, cannot be avoided because we are supposed to interpret and react to situations, whether they are stressful or joyful.

This is why we should pay additional attention to a proper and balanced diet and healthy life style.

Our self improvement articles and meditation courses are a must for people searching for a better and more balanced life.

Browse our articles and share with us your thoughts and your life experience.

This article is dedicated to the honest.


Adam El Masri

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