
Enter Depression

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Who enters into depression and how: Anybody can enter into depression, even animals and birds enter into depression. Every active mind is a possible victim for a depressed experience.

Each of us reacts to depression in a different manner due to individual’s personal experience and way of upbringing.

Individual’s behavior consists of two types, the inherited driven by survival instinct and the acquired through living experience which originates from childhood upbringing!

It’s become a common knowledge that we inherit fear and other related feelings from our parents through genes.

That fact makes it very vital for parents to be extra aware that what they experience as an outcome of their living choices will somehow find its natural way to sneak into their offspring’s and future generations unwarily.

The easier and less demanding and consuming you live, the easier it will become for your offspring to face life and its accumulated hardships with more immunity from depression.

Parents are the most responsible in how their children respond and react to what faces them in life.

Caring and sharing, positive listening and preemptive thinking are best tools to establish a built in immunity from life setbacks.

Being neutral teaches our children neutrality and flexibility, thus, less vulnerable to despair and depression and more potentially problem solvent.

One enters into depression when one lack faith in finding solution to dire complications one faces in his life.

Nothing is permanent; therefore, problems are also not permanent. The sooner we learn that and begin to accept that problems are the core of our physical, mental and spiritual development, the healthier and more balanced we become. Most physical ailments are caused by mental and emotional disturbance. Pressure and stress are the most common cause of most ailments.

In order to be capable of facing problems and finding suitable solution for them, one needs to learn how to be pragmatic, logical in thinking and neutral.

Neutrality is what grants us appropriate behavior and wise judgments of sequential events and occurrences.

Neutrality is leading a balanced physical, mental and spiritual way of life (the paradetect way of life).

Though, final destiny is predetermined, we still make our own immediate destiny, and by applying the laws of cause and effect we would have a much better chance to enjoy an easier destiny in our space and time, till we move towards another reality in another dimension.

Premeditated behavior leads to certainty and order in life, while, chaos leads to calamities!

Paradetect is introducing a new concept to life, a more balanced life, THE PARADETECT ATTITUDE.

Join our community and share your say on our website.

Become an interactive member and do not settle for being just a mere observer.

Paradetect gives you a forum to contribute with your opinions and point of views.

Let’s participate in the formation of a new and more peaceful commune.

Let’s exercise our right to be more humane and make a positive difference on this planet.

We have started our virtual community center hoping to provide a prototype to help establish a physical ideal community center with specific goal to help prevent stress and depression rather than settle for curing it.

Our online consultancy service and what it offers to our members is a living example of what we can do if we unite efforts.


Adam El Masri

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