
Know Your Zodiac

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Zodiac is a large circle in the sky that is called ecliptic it is the plane of our earth orbit that surrounds our sun.

Zodiac is divided into 12 signs starting with Aries; it begins at the spot on the ecliptic when the sun is on the first day of spring, each sign is separated from the other by a 30 degrees space.

Our calendar is a copy of the sun motion around the zodiac; the sun is Aries from 20 March to 20 April, and so on, the twelve sun signs are similar to the calendar 12 months a year, and they represent time.

Compared to the sun the other planets have an irregular motion. The Moon is the fastest while Pluto is the slowest.

Zodiac Signs:

Aries: Mar. 21-April 20 Mars

Taurus: April 21-May 21 Venus

Gemini: May 22-June 21 Mercury

Cancer: June 22-July 22 Moon

Leo: July 23-Aug.22 Sun

Virgo: Aug.23-Sep.23 Mercury

Libra: Sep.24-Oct.23 Venus

Scorpio: Oct.24-Nov.22  Pluto

Sagittarius: Nov.23-Dec.21  Jupiter

Capricorn: Dec.22-Jan.20 Saturn

Aquarius: Jan.21-Feb.19 Uranus

Pisces: Feb.20-Mar.20 Neptune


Zodiac, Houses, and Planetary Rulers

Sign: MODE ELEMENT Sign   Planet
Aries Cardinal FIRE 1   Mars
Taurus Fixed EARTH 2   Venus
Gemini Mutable AIR 3   Mercury
Cancer Cardinal WATER 4   Moon
Leo Fixed FIRE 5   Sun
Virgo Mutable EARTH 6   Mercury
Libra Cardinal AIR 7   Venus
Scorpio Fixed WATER 8   Pluto
Sagittarius Mutable FIRE 9   Jupiter
Capricorn Cardinal EARTH 10   Saturn
Aquarius Fixed AIR 11   Uranus
Pisces Mutable WATER 12   Neptune
MODE Cycles of Energy
Cardinal Initiating; gets things going
Fixed Persisting; gets things done.
Mutable Alternating; adaptable, flexible.


Astrological Symbols

Element The vital forces that make up creation
FIRE Directed will; energy radiating out from the center; action
EARTH Physical: force that holds the atoms together; practical applications; consolidation.
AIR Intellect; the energy that shapes the pattern of things to come; communication.
WATER Soul, Emotions; power of the unconscious mind; connecting to the source; reception



Star Sign Best Qualities Perfect Job
Strong willed and driven by money. Finance and politics.
Good with money, works on projects until the end. Finance and architecture.
Natural communicator and highly proactive. Secretarial and sales.
Motivated, creative, and a good listener. Counseling and catering.
Natural born leader and charismatic. Public relations and medicine.
Detailed orientated with strong visual flair. Editing and fashion.
Organized, in control and fair-minded. Administration and human resources.
The ultimate executive, power hungry. Diplomacy and government.
An ideals person, patient and persuasive. Advertising and teaching.
Business acumen, strong investigative skills. Engineering and research.
Determined, perceptive and clever. Science and technology.
People person, and excellent sympathizer. Cabin crew and charity.


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