
Mind Realm

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Getting into your realm a term used in the East… Your mind is an instrument, 80 to 90 percent of most people’s thinking is not only repetitive and useless but because of its dysfunctional and often negative nature, much so, it is also harmful. Observe your mind and you will find this to be true. It causes serious leakage of vital energy. What is characterized as addiction (non substance).

Feelings of which you no longer have a choice to stop, it seems stronger than you, it also gives you a false sense of pleasure. A pleasure invariably turns into pain. Pleasure is derived from outside you, which could be a person, object or activity, lack of that pleasure source results into pain. The very thing that gives you pleasure today perhaps if absent will give you pain tomorrow, whereas joy is from within.

How do you free yourself from your mind?

Listen to the voice in your head. Pay particular attention to any repetitive thoughts, the old gramophone record that has been playing in your head for many years. Listen impartially. Do not judge or condemn. Realize the sense of your own presence. It is not a thought; it arises from beyond the mind so you are the witness to a thought. Learn to Identify from your mind. Learn to create a gap or space in your mind. Every time you create a space in your mind the length of your consciousness grows stronger. One day you will watch yourself smiling at the voice in your head. This means that you no longer take the content of mind seriously. Your sense of self does not depend on it. In the state of interconnectedness you are much more alert. Learn to identify your mind. Learn to create a gap.

Mind and Emotion; A vicious circle is built between thinking and emotion. The thought that you are being threatened physically or psychologically causes body to contract. This is called fear. Strong emotions cause biochemistry. Emotion is when the mind and body meet. Observing your emotions is when you bring it to awareness. The more you identify your thinking, the likes, dislikes and judgments you are observing your consciousness. If you cannot feel your emotion, you will eventually experience them on a purely physical level, such as, physical problems or symptoms. Example; people who carry anger inside and are not aware of it and without expressing it, are more likely to be attacked, verbally or physically by other angry people, and often for no apparent reason, (mind and emotion). If you really want to know your mind it will always give you truthful reflection. So look at the emotion or rather the feel of it in your body. If there is a conflict the thought will be a lie, the emotion will be the truth, relatively of your state of mind at that time. Pay no attention to analyzing.

Halima Aboal


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