
Physical Realm

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The more consciousness you bring into the body the more and stronger your immune system becomes. Your body loves your attention.

It’s a potent form of self healing. When the master is absent, all kind of shady character will take up space in the house. When you inhabit your body it will be difficult for unwanted guest to enter and reside in it.

When, you are unoccupied for few minutes, and especially prior to falling asleep or first thing in the morning before getting up. Praise the Lord the creator of the universe and mankind, then continue to flood your being with consciousness, Lay on your back close your eyes, choose different parts of your body; legs, abdomen, and so on. Feel the energy inside these parts as intensely as you can. Stay with each part for 15 seconds or so or as long as you feel is needed. Then let your attention run through your body like a tidal wave several times. Feel the total inner body a single field of energy. Don’t be concerned if your mind draws your attention from your body.

Space /Time: Nothing could be without space yet space is nothing. The inner equivalent to object in space such as; furniture, wall and so on are on your mind objects: thoughts, emotions and the object of the senses. The inner equivalent of space is the consciousness that enables your mind objects to be by becoming aware of the space around you, you simultaneously become aware of the space of no-mind, of pure consciousness, the un-manifested. If you remain in conscious connection with the un-manifested, you value love, and deeply respect the manifest and every life form.

There were many clear nights I looked in the clear sky with my Tazzie sister Joan Ruth. The thousands of stars we saw with our naked eyes were no more than an infinitesimal traction of what is there, Over 100 billion galaxies and stars. Joan always wondered what lies beyond. I say it is the infinity of space itself, the depth of stillness that allows all of that magnificence to be. Majestic, inconceivable vastness of stillness of space and yet what is it? Emptiness, what appears to us as space in our universe perceived through the mind is the un-manifest itself externalized. Space, time is illusory but yet contains a core of truth. There are two essential attributes of God; Infinity and Eternity, and external existence outside you. Within you, both space and time have an inner equivalence that reveals true the nature as well as your own.

The ultimate purpose of the world lies not within the world but transcend it.

Halima Aboal


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