
Stop! Pause! Imagine

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I was listening to the CNN, while working on an article for the website when a news flash broke the silence and caught my pre-focused attention.

CNN: A university student kills himself because the police prohibited him from selling vegetables couple of days ago during the riots in Tunisia, known to be one of the most stable countries in Africa.

Shocking,Outrageous and Scary.

I simply couldn’t help myself from bouncing my mind into writing this short comment hoping that we take it as food for thoughts.

Where is the world getting to, what are we humans doing to one another, inflicting pain with sadistic joy.

What kind of a government system empowers a police man to prevent a university student from selling vegetables to sustain his living.

What sort of reasoning would such a Police man flips in his thick skulled tiny brain to drive him to use whatever abusive and artificial authority to stop a young university needy student from selling vegetables to sustain himself.

Such a despicable act should draw the attention of the whole world and not only paradetect.

Such ugly, cruel and disgusting act should not be left unnoticed by the international human community, for what it holds from signs and warnings to what is actually happening in the world and specifically in third world countries.

Governments should know that when they fail to find jobs and solutions for citizens, citizens will act accordingly to survive.

As if it is not enough that third world countries rip off its citizens with taxes for no services in return, such taxes are only used to pay off government staff and public servants.

Imagine, citizens pay for such lowlife sharks and scavengers just for them to exercise their dictator like manner in man handling citizens even when they want to sell vegetables.

It is only vegetables, for God’s sake.

We need your supportive votes and comments to carry this issue further and spread it all over the globe.

Enough is enough.

Silence does not fit in here.

Humans needs to be better protected from tyranny and dictatorship.

And third world countries need to be no more third in human rights.

Citizens of third world countries must unite together and demand to be granted their right of living with dignity and fair chance. And be able to sell vegetables when need arise.

Participate in making a difference in this world, share with us your thoughts and comments, act now and do not hesitate.


Adam El Masri

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