
Your Birth Number

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Do you know your birth number? If you do, it will help you choose your lucky name or what lucky name you may chose for your unborn child, good luck.

If the answer is NO, then read this article to learn how to extract your birth number.

It is a simple arithmetic, but It will help you know your birth number and choose a lucky name for you or your loved ones.

Here how it goes:

Using Your Birth Number:

A popular method of finding a magical name is to choose one that corresponds with your birth number.

Begin by adding the digits of your birth date.

If your birthday was May 3, 1958, you would start with the numbers 531958= 5 + 3+ 1 + 9 + 5+ 8 = 31

Now take those two numbers (3 and 1), and bring it down to a single digit: 3 + 1 = 4. That number — in this case, 4– is your birth number.

Use the grid below to find a name that corresponds to the number 4, by calculating the sum of the corresponding letters.

1 = A, J, S

2 = B, K, T

3 = C, L, U

4 = D, M, V

5 = E, N, W

6 = F, O, X

7 = G, P, Y

8 = H, Q, Z

9 = I, R

If the name you like doesn’t match your birth numbers, try some creative or alternate spellings to see what happens.


Adam El Masri


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