
Crisis in the Middle East

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A close watch to current events in Middle East from different perspective. Crisis in the Middle East were ignited by two poles each with its own gravitational field, each is as dangerous as the other due to the global potentials of its spreading like a deadly virus.

The western pole of gravity is the new conservatives representing by G. Bush Jr. and all what he stood for (the tea party today).

The Easter pole of gravity is Ahmedi Nejad and all what he stands for Hizbulla).

If one is to monitor current crisis in an attempt to bring a more tangible understanding to the cause and effect of events taking place in the Middle East from the Khomeini revolution in Iran to the invasion of Iraq, crisis in Lebanon and chaos in Tunisia, Yemen slightly Jordan and Egypt, one cannot evade the fact that there is a pattern associated with events leading to the current crisis in the Middle East.

Having said that; I need to emphasis on my personal motive writing this article that is not politically driven, Since I am neutral and tend to look at events from a different perspective.

George W Bush Jr. and the Neo conservatives believed in the Constructive Chaos Theory and sought to implement it very passionately hoping to speed up the process of the second coming of Jesus in correlation with the revelation and the end of days prophecies of Daniel. This is an obvious manipulation of events to serve a biblical purpose.

Ahmedi Nejad and his block on the other hand following a parallel application aimed to speed up the coming of Al Mahdi, al Wali al Faquih that the Shi’ies sect passionately believe in, shared by the majority of Muslims around the world, each having their own belief driven factors in support of this aspiration.

The state of Israel on the other hand, are driven by their own belief to utilize this conflict by magnifying its outcome to reach their own goal of re building the Temple of Solomon on what would be the ruins of Al Aqsa Mosque so that they would accomplish their final baptism as the chosen nation of God.

This is a very complicated issue, and I happened to write a book about it several years ago (Sakatat Babel) as a comparative study tackling current events while comparing it to interpretation of prophecies and beliefs related to end of days.

In my opinion, what is happening now is: each block is attempting to speed up the coming of their awaited savior by inciting constructive chaos in the biblical region of Middle East to help reach their target.


Infact, it would the least surprise me if it is discovered in a later stage that the Iranian were behind the events taken place in Tunisia and Egypt, it is worth paying attention to the remark that Ahmedi Najad spoke of publicly several days ago criticizing Hosny Mubarak not to use excessive force in dealing with the demonstrators and protestors , while few months back similar demonstrations took place in Tehran and were dealt with in similar manner.

There is also a clear evidence of the Iranian support to Hizbulla in Lebanon and Hamas In Palestine, al Hythiene in Yemen, also in Bahrain.

Iran has an immediate benefit from what is happening as a deterrent to any military strike to halt their nuclear program.

Israel may benefit at the short term if they decide to this neighborly chaos to go ahead with their plan to re erect the Temple of Solomon.

Arabs have a hope to enjoy a true democracy if they learn to the past and use this major change in their own back yards.

Who knows; there might be a positive out come from all of what is currently happening in the holy land and its biblical outskirts.

Wishing all of you peace and well being


Adam El Masri


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