
Soul Mates

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Many of our members asked me to write an article describing soul mates to bring them to a closer and more unified definition of this term.

The term soul mate is widely used nowadays, and its definition varies from culture to culture and person to person, while it remains an interesting subject surrounded by all sorts of vague philosophy and myth.

Contrary to common belief, soul mates do not necessarily mean an exact carbon copy of your soul, and certainly not a part of your soul emerging from another space/time or parallel world.

However, it may very much be someone you happened to meet in another dimension and got acquainted with during your astral voyaging (read astral travel article).

I personally prefer to use the term spiritual mate instead. It keeps me on the safe side of assumption.

Although, spiritual mate is characteristically a mate of the same spiritual nature, it does not spell out to be an exact look alike of your nature. We need to keep in mind that each one of us accumulates different experience in our life journeys, that is why a spiritual mate differ in specifics but remains similar in general.

A spiritual mate a soul mate may share with you many of your interests and major choices in life, only on the general level. But when it comes to explaining such similarities one will discover that the interpretation of such similarities would differ based upon personal experience and culture.

A spiritual mate can be a biologically tied individual to you, or simply a total stranger whom you may have never met before. Having said that, one need to elaborate that having met before would specifically mean; met in this life and this dimension.

We humans are multi dimensional beings; therefore, we may meet other dimensional beings like us in different parallel worlds or dimensions during our astral wondering as in dreams and meditations. When meetings like this takes place and if those we meet with are of the same spiritual category, we get acquainted with them and seek further closer ties or connection for bonding.

Spiritual mates feel they belong to one another simply because they do belong to the same categorical grouping.

It is like categorizing species in our three dimensional world, we have birds, fish and all sorts of other animals and creatures besides us. Spiritual mates also fall into the same categorization.

Birth date and star sign are very good point to start from by learning how it works.

Those of the same birth date and star signs usually share a lot in common when it comes to general description of personality and attitude, but differ when it involves the why and how they relate to things or correlates to others depending on their personal experience in life and the culture they stem from.

Spiritual “soul” mates share in common: physical characteristics, similar brain frequencies and same spiritual levels and dimensions.

Physical characteristics: if you look inceptively to the physical features of spiritual mates you will find many of them similar in general shape with difference in proportions. Ex: same shoulders, eyes or overall physical form, but different in attitude or expression or analysis of data.

Similar brain frequencies: A spiritual mate would react generating the same brain frequencies when stimulated in response to different actions and experiences, where as in performance he may still differ depending on his accumulated personal experience, culture and learning.

Same spiritual levels and dimensions: a spiritual mate would share the same spiritual capacity, enjoys the same spiritual potentials and instinctively end up in the same dimensional levels during astral traveling, while he may differ in his perception and interpretation of what he may experience.

Bonding:  spiritual soul mates have a natural need to bond with their own kind. However this bonding may differ from one person to another.

There is a very strong natural emotional bond between spiritual soul mates; sometimes this may lead to physical bonding ending up in matrimony, or simply intimacy in friendship. However, it may also lead to deceptive relationship and disputative when one try to possess the other or attempt to control others responses, that is why it is advised to learn to let go of possessiveness and avoid over control for the sake of healthier spiritual mating relationship. In short, it is not healthy to exercise any form of dominion over a spiritual mate or any other mate, because we humans are born free and our natural intelligence level refutes and repulses any such practice.

My first and foremost advice to soul mates is to preserve a space between them, respect their privacy and avoid arguments which might lead to ugly outcomes due to closeness of feeling and height of intimacy level.

Good luck with your search for you own soul mate, and when you find one, may you have a healthy prosperous and permanent relationship.


Adam El Masri


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