
Wiki leaks

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Untold secret… The Iran/Qatar factor… Hundreds of thousands of documents were released on Wiki Leaks, most of it makes no sense, and few were scandalous and very embarrassing indeed.

Question is; what was the real identity of those behind this breach of confidential to top secret documents?

Rumors have it that the source of the leak was intelligence gathering and sourcing secret compounds in the Middle East like the one in Doha, Qatar. Such compounds rely on the jobless and unemployed bilinguals who have no motive to join in effort of gathering and translating data acquired, other than earning a buck or two to help them survive till they find a better paid and conditioned job in the Gulf region.

What we would like to focus upon is two issues and its causes; the first is the desperate financial plight of those stranded jobless all over the Middle East making them an easy prey to temptation. The second is the privatization of security intelligence related agencies’ duties such as gathering and translating or interpreting data by none professional jobless.

The result of this subcontracting to third private parties by the US intelligence agencies made it vulnerable to infiltration thus resulting to an easy security breach.

Imagine what a country like Iran would do to decrease pressure exerted upon them to halt their nuclear program (Iran enjoys a very strong and influential presence in the Gulf), knowing of this fragile foundation within their natural enemy, the USA…

That leaves us with a big question; Is Iran emerging as a serious regional super power, or is the USA becoming too sluggish due to cutting cost in dire times!


Adam El Masri

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