
Astral Training Session

1 minute, 14 seconds Read


In this session, I sat next to Adam and initiating the training session with the ordinary ritual of breathing technique and body relaxation.

Adam and I started our meditation while keeping our eye contact facing each other face to face. A quote says eyes are mirror of the soul, I see this perfectly true.

After a short time I started feeling an energy field forming between us uniting our energy into one circle. For the first time ever I saw Adam performing sacred geometry, he actually moves his palms above my arms manipulating my body energy, then he grabbed my hands slowly and gently circling them while placing my palms together with his index and middle finger at my thumb, in those particular seconds I started astral voyaging with him. He made this voyage very short. But it hit me when I began seeing him again and the sentiment that seemed I was facing my actual physical body, shortly after that I recovered from this very unique experience and it was so exciting.

Once you get the wisdom and actually start living and practicing it, you become a higher being.

I am not writing empty words in here, but making a statement. Your spirituality will reveal to you your pattern to experience and live our inner peace without having to leave the city. Some sort of immunity will build within you and lead you through.

Till sharing with you my next experience.


Nura I. Mulet


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