
Belief and Destiny

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We live our lives based on believe, from morning rituals that we go trough to greet the world each day, to the inventions that we use to make our lives better, technology that destroys life Beliefs that precedes our actions. Our beliefs hold so much power, and if we live our lives based on what we belief, then the obvious questions is , where do our beliefs come from? They originate from what science, history, religion, culture and family tell us. The great Tibetan yogi Milarepa began a personal retreat, and left a proof of his freedom from the physical world which modern science say, should simply not be possible.

Science is a language one of many that describe us, the universe, our bodies and how things works

Belief is a language, and its not just any language. Belief is the language that touches the quantum of our bodies.  Our beliefs have the power to change the flow of events in the universe literally to interrupt and redirect time, matter, and space, and the events that occur within. In our everyday life we literally input our beliefs, to the consciousness of the universe, which translate of the universe which translate our personal and collective instruction into reality of our health, the quality of our relationships. How to create the believes in our heart that change reality is a great secret that are over shadowed and clouded by religious believes, and traditions.

The universe is like a big (consciousness) computer and so is our Destiny. The bellow mentioned chart should shine some light on this operating system, a comparison between the universe and electronic computer.

Functions                    Electronic Computer                    Universe Computer

Basic init of info            Bit                                            Atom

Output                       Pictures, charts, words, etc          Reality

Operating system         Windows, Macintosh, etc             Consciousness

Programs                     Word, Excel, PowerPoint…           Beliefs

In the universe where each experience is built upon the outcomes of previous ones, it’s obvious that all are necessary there are no wasted choices. Each choice sets into a motion, a ripple of currents that will affect not only our lives, but also the world beyond. Belief is defines as the certainty that comes from accepting what we think is true in our minds, couple that with what we feel is true in our heart. Belief is a personal power, a personal experience. We need to wrap our arms around our beliefs and understand how our beliefs are formed and where do they reside in our bodies.’

If we can truly wrap our arms around what our heart based power of beliefs tells us about out world, then life takes and entirely new meaning. Understanding the three separate experiences; thoughts, feelings, and emotion, we are then truly programming the universe. Emerging these three inner experience yields our reality and aligns our 5 chakras.

The lower chakras are commonly associated with the emotions; thoughts are associated with the upper three energy chakras. Belief is a form of feeling.

I would like to wish all of Paradetect, members and family a happy prosperous 2012. Believe you can attain a higher spiritual level, become a better spouse, a good neighbor and better citizen to your community.


Halima Aboal

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