
Celestial Occasion

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A celestial occasion will be occurring during this month according to Muslim belief.

In many of our previous articles we focused on bringing together people from all walks of faith by proving that there is much more in common to serve unity of faith amongst us and what binds us together as humans with all of our diversities is much more than what separates our means since we all share the same ends.

According to Islamic belief there is a celestial occasion due to take place this month as it does every month of Ramadan, this occasion is believed to be an opening of an immediate portal from the heavens to our dimension which comes in one specific night during the month of fasting. This opening is believed to be like a holyday to the dwellers of the heavens enabling them to freely respond to justified prays and supplications of humans to help them mend their contradictions and put their lively matters in order.

Most scholars have supported the claim which promotes the due night of that holiday to be on an odd date starting from the last ten nights of Ramadan.

The night is called in Arabic Laylat Al Qadr which means the night of destiny and power, value and decree of which the verses of Quran were revealed to Prophet Mohammad.

During the last ten days of fasting Muslims around the world perform a specific method of meditation which consists of in addition to fasting keeping light diet consuming little food and above all restraining from earthly matters, many of the devotees who can afford it tend to retreat in mosques and spend their time in devotion and worship fulfilling their duty of being born for servitude as their target in life, this worship act Muslims call I’etikaf (retreat).

The Holy Quran mentions this night in the following Surat:

We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power:
And what will explain to thee what the night of power is?
The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.
Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah’s permission, on every errand:
Peace!…This until the rise of morn!

Surat Al Qadr /97.

Out of an endeavor to bring you valuable information related to mediation and spirituality we are providing some unique and rare information to help you observe this night during this wonderful cosmic period hoping that by performing your way of mediation regardless of your faith and religion will bring you closer to your desired goals in life and therefore reach your own inner peace.

Remember the most probable time for this anniversary is the ten last odd nights of Ramadan starting from after Isha prayers till dawn. (isha prayers can range in time starting from 6 pm depending on where you are located across the world, an ample of information and informative websites are available for you to consult with based upon your location).

Happy Ramadan Everybody



Thu or Sat are the most likely times for the next Laylat al Qadre

According to many Muslim scholars the sun following the fajr of that specific night will rise without its usual glowing rays, and that is how they use to know that the previous night was laylat al Qadr night.

According to the table of the planetary hours

I expect the time to be On Tuesday of the 23 of Ramadan around 3am before dawn.

My predicted time is marked in red also.


Sun Mon Tue Wed Hrs from-to
Hrs from-to
Thu Fri Sat
Merc. Jup. Ven. Sat. 8 1 Sun. Moon. Mars.
Moon. Mars. Mer. Jup. 9 2 Ven. Sat. Sun.
Sat. Sun. Moon. Mars. 10 3 Mer. Jup. Ven.
Jup. Ven. Sat. Sun. 11 4 Moon. Mars. Mer.
Mars. Mer. Jup. Ven. 12 5 Sat. Sun. Moon.
Sun. Moon. Mars. Mer. 1 6 Jup. Ven. Sat.
Ven. Sat. Sun. Moon. 2 7 Mars. Mer. Jup.
Merc. Jup. Ven. Sat. 3 8 Sun. Moon. Mars.

If you are a believer in miracles we invite you to participate in performing your meditation and observance of the heavens during the above mentioned period, if you are not a believer yet, then there is no harm done by performing mediation while keeping the hope for a first miracle in your life.

If you are lucky and you happen to be chosen for the laylat al Qadr to be revealed to you, you will see a beautiful and majestic light portal opening to you and when that happens you will know what to do and what to ask.

I for one will certainly look forward for a very special spiritual meditative night on that date.

Those of you who choose to participate with us this marvel be kind enough and share with us your experience by sending your comments to post on the website.

And may you reach your inner peace on this journey of spirituality and self-improvement.

Good luck



Adam El Masri

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