
Deciphering Emerald Tablet II

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After we sifted some of the wisdom of deciphering Tablet I of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, let us delve into exploring what we can sniff out from Tablet II hoping to raise awareness of the importance of this mystical and ancient treasure for the human race.

And as I imagine myself cracking a nutshell while browsing between the vagueness of its lines I could not resist picking out of my library shelves the Nut Cracker for Tschaickovsky  to assist me in roaming into my trance mode in search of inspiration and enlightenment.

Tablet II:

Deep in Earth Heart lies the Halls of Amenti

Far beneath the islands of sunken Atlantis

Lets us initiate our deciphering by applying some vivid imagination in an attempt to tackle Tablet two and its wonders.

This is an indication to the location of the Halls of Amenti which represents a major clue in the whole of the Emerald Tablets since it is the sanctuary of Thoth and the Place where he sustained his immortality and accordingly gained his eternity.

If we look at the term heart used to pinpoint the location of Amenti from a metaphorical perspective we would do well if we take into consideration that everything in our existence tends to have a heart, and that is why I chose the picture above to illustrate that an apple is with a heart just as everything surrounding our reality.

Now if we consider that there is an outer space to every surface wouldn’t the heart represent the inner space of whichever that we intend! And if we are to stretch further in our imagination wouldn’t that also mean that this consciously invisible inner space would also belong to the subconscious realm of our realization. Hence I will refer to it as a sub or inner dimension in opposite to the outer dimension which we perceive in our three dimensional world concept.

And since the heart of earth the core plays a major role in stabilizing the magnetic field that makes it possible for us to exist in the environment we live within therefore is the explanation of the following verse of the tablet:

Halls of the Dead and halls of the Living

Bathed in the fire of the infinite All

It clearly relates life and death the two forces that dictates and shapes our space-time and our destiny.

As we notice in the verse to follow; Far in the past time, lost in the space-time, the mentioning of past time and space-time is in fact intended to give hint to the hidden purpose of what is in mind. That would explain my above mentioned reference of inner and outer dimensions in our three dimensional world concept.


seeing the children of men in their bondage

Bound by the force that came from beyond

Knew they that only by freedom from bondage

Could man ever rise from the Earth to the Sun,

What is that force and what bondage are we supposed to be freed from else then life and death and therefore unite with Thoth through eternity as creatures of light.


Down they descended and created bodies taking the semblance of men as their own

The Masters of everything said after their forming.

We are they who were formed from the space dust

Partaking of life from the infinite All;

Living in the world as children of men

Like and yet unlike the children of men.

There are several quotations from the book of Enoch, the old testament, the new testament, and the Quran all referring to an existence of a hybrid race, a mix of more than one race that formed apparently after the flood which coexisted with the human race and that may in fact shed needed light on further explaining why Darwin’s theory of evolution got stuck with a dead end referred to scientifically as the missing link.

In Jewish and Christian theology Genisis; 6:4, Numbers 13:33 and Ezekiel; 32 27, they are referred to as the Nephilim regard to be the offspring of sons of God and daughters of men who inhabited the ancient land of Canaan in historical philistine, where as in Quran there is a reference that we were formed from the descendants of another people, in Surat Al An’am, the cattle; 6 verse 133: (And your Lord is the Free of need, the possessor of mercy. If He wills, he can do away with you and give succession after you to whomever He wills, just as He produced you from the descendants of another people). They were the giants that I dedicated a previous article in their cause, follow the link Giants on our website for further information explaining their whereabouts and how they came into being, you will also find an ample of valuable information extracted from the Book of Enoch connecting the puzzle in your head together to begin to make more sense.

Having that said; there is another mentioning in the Quran that referred to Allah addressing Satan indicating that Satan will eventually share with man and mans offspring. Surat al Isra 17:64: (And incite [to senselessness] whoever you can among them with your voice and assault them with your horses and foot soldiers and become a partner in their wealth and their children and promise them.” But Satan does not promise them except delusion.) This would add further elaboration on the kind of hybrid offspring, considering that the giants were of a violent destructive nature to the rest of mankind, where as Thoth refers to another kind of hybrid made from the dust of light.

There are two kinds of hybrid that may be sharing space in our three dimensional world.

Verse from Tablet II:

Then for a dwelling place, far beneath the earth crust

Blasted great spaces they by their power

Spaces apart from the children of men

Surrounded them by forces and power,

Shielded from harm they the halls of the Dead.

Apparently, this can only mean blasting a parallel world belonging to a parallel dimension of space-time that coexists within our own yet beyond our perception with a force field separating the two worlds and keeping them apart.

The last line is what I find interesting since it mentioned shielding the hall of the Dead from harm a notation to the fragile nature of the halls of death as if to hint at an existing possibility of penetrating or exiting it at one stage and that also has another reference as we will find out while we pursue ahead through the Emerald Tablets.

Side by side then, placed they other spaces

Filled them with life and with light from above

Built they then the halls of Amenti

That they might dwell eternally there

Living with life to eternity’s end.

The reference to parallel worlds in here is very clear, where as the specified other spaces are just as clear that it contains the very substance of eternity life force, the Halls of Amenti.

Thirty and two were there of the children

Sons of Light who had come among men

Seeking to free from the bondage of darkness

Those who were bound by the force from beyond

The thirty-two stands for thirty-two paths to wisdom according to Jewish Kabala, but what the kabala fails to reveal is that the thirty-two also stand for thirty-two advanced beings emissaries to rehab mankind into living management on a new earth. And to be able to comprehend why thirty-two we need to look at the number from the basics of as above as below.

In our world we have East, West, North, and South and the above and below, repeat this calculation for the underworld, then repeat for a parallel world for each world that makes six for each multiplied by four equals, thirty-two.

There is further explanation related to this number but as we go by we will get back to the additional in due time and when we get to its relevant section.

Now, if we are to go back to the Quran it clearly states in Surat al Rahman the existence of two sunsets and two sunrises and it also explains a lot more in relation to more than one world and different dimensions and the advancement of Jinn in space travel and astral physics. 55:17-: [He is] Lord of the two sunrises and Lord of the two sunsets. Where as in the first Surat al Fatiha 1:2, [All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds. And there is much further indications related to supporting the theory related to multi-dimensions, plural worlds, multi-universe, and the ever expansion of the skies in the Quran as well.

Deep in the Halls of Life grew a flower, flaming

Expanding driving backward the night

The flower-shaped flame which is the symbol of life force due to the nature of life which grows out of a seed like a flower.

Placed in the centre a ray of great potence, Life

Giving, Light giving, filling with power all who came near it.

Placed they around it thrones, two and thirty

Placed for each of the Children of Light

Placed so that they were bathed in the radiance

Filled with the Life from the eternal Light

As you may notice that the ray of great potence was placed in the center and as previously mentioned above when there is a center there is the inner and there is the outer.

And since we are all a form of energy in origin (read my article Human metamorphosis) Light is the basic and most pure substance of that energy, therefore the Ray of great potency granting life, light, and power.

There time after time placed they their first created bodies

So that they might be filled with the Spirit of Life

One hundred years out of each thousand must they

Life giving Light flame forth on their bodies

Quickening awakening the Spirit of life

If we are to understand their need to recharge every one hundred years out of thousand passing years we need to imagine our origin before we take our human form when we were in the many stages that preceded the temporal human form and how we will end up after our astral body departs from our physical body and rejoins the substance of light in later stages.

Our transformation cycle as humans may extend to a hundred and forty or even fifty years in our earthly life cycle, theirs is a thousand years and that is in reference to Time, after time phrase mentioned in the first line, life on earth my equal to several hours and a couple of days in comparison to life in other dimensions.

There in the circle from eon to eon

Sit the Great Masters

Living a life not known among men

There in the Halls of life they lie dormant

Free flows their Souls through the bodies of men

Time after time, while their bodies lie dormant

Incarnate they in the bodies of men

Teaching and guiding onward and upward

Out of the darkness into the light

There in the Hall of Life, filled with their wisdom

Known not to the races of man, living forever beneath the cold

Fire of life, sit the children of Light

Times there are when they awaken

Come from the depths to the lights among men

Infinite they among finite men

These great Masters are what we will get back to later as we go to further expand in elaborating on the number thirty-two.

He who by progress has grown from the darkness

Lifted himself from the night into light

Free is he made of the Halls of Amenti

Free of the Flower of Light and of Life

Guided he then, by the wisdom and knowledge

Passes from men, to the Master of Life.

There he may dwell as one with the Masters

Free from the bonds of the darkness of night

Seated within the flower of radiance sit seven

Lords from the Space-Times above us

Helping and guiding through infinite wisdom

The pathway through time of the children of men

The above is clearly meant to entice us to work on self-improvement and to develop our spirituality and the goodness in us and endeavor to become advanced human beings to prepare ourselves to pass to the afterlife where true eternity is and where the flower of life is awaiting to embrace us, within its ray of enlightenment and eternity beside the great seven masters in charge of us and our affairs.

The last line is what attracts me to explore, that is the pathway through time of the children of men, the awaited and inevitable transition is fulfilled through time that is the time we spend on earth during this life cycle to accomplish our human metamorphosis and transform into eternity.

Mighty and strange, they

Veiled with their power

Silent and all-knowing

Drawing the Life force

Different and yet one with the

Children of men

Aye, different, and yet one

With the Children of Light

Custodians and watchers of the forces of man’s bondage

Ready to loosen when the light has been reached

First and most might

Sits the Veiled presence. Lord of Lords

The infinite Nine

Over the other from each

The lords of the cycles

Three, Four, Five and Six, Seven, Eight

Each with this mission, each with his powers

Guiding, directing the destiny of man

There sit they, might and potent

Free of all time and space

First I would like to draw your attention to the number of the masters, they are seven, and infinite Nine is clearly the one in charge that leaves six running our affairs this is to correlate what I aforementioned in my note on the number thirty-two above.

As for starting with three till eight that is because the One and complimentary two belongs to the all mighty and divine maker, as for the infinite Nine, the attributes of number Nine are that it is actually the last digit number from zero in comparison to number one which is the first digit number from zero that is.

Zero is an infinite both ways, you go infinite minus zero or infinite plus, this is where the one begins while two compliments.

Not of this world they

Yet akin to it

Elder Brothers they

Of the children of men

Judging and weighing

They with their wisdom

Watching the progress

Of the Light among men

There before them I was led by the Dweller

Watched him blend with ONE from above

Those are the watchers who are directly in charge of our worldly affairs they are the Master of the guardian angels that watch over us and keep records of our progress in this earthly cycles.

Note that there is a ray of light that generates from every being and we are included, and as we progress the ray of light shapes into different colors and brightness or dimness based upon the level we reach in our progress, an angel would immediately know which level and what category we are at by observing our ray, its shape and its level of brightness or dimness and so on and so forth.

The origin of the light circle on top of saints and prophets heads in illustrations and medieval paintings and drawings have an origin after all.

The dweller takes Thoth to meet face to face with the maker

You may read the (book of Enoch) to get a clearer picture of what is meant in here. I strongly believe that Enoch was actually Thoth among tens of other names he was known of throughout history (read or listen to the true identity of Thoth is revealed).

Then from He came forth a voice saying

Great art thou, Thoth, among children of men

Free henceforth of the Halls of Amenti

Master of Life among children of men

Taste not of death except as thou will it

Drink thou of Life to Eternity end

Henceforth forever is Life

Thine for the taking

Henceforth is Death at the call of thine hand

Dwell here or leave here when thou desireth

Take thou up Life in what form thou desireth

Child of the Light that has grown among men

Choose thou the work, for all should, must labor

Never be free from the pathway of light.

This is a continuation of the record of the encounter that took place between the God and Thoth which was also detailed in the Book of Enoch when Enoch or Thoth was granted eternity.

One step thou have gained on the long pathway upward

Infinite now is the mountain of Light

Each step thou taketh but heightens the mountain;

All of they progress but lengthens the goal

Approach ye ever the Infinite Wisdom

Ever before thee recedes the goal

Free are y made now of the Halls of Amenti

To walk hand in hand with the Lords of the world

One in one purpose, working together

Bring of Light to the children of men.

What I find most fascinating in this paragraph is the indication to labor in self-improvement, the progress, yet above all the long journey which is as infinite as the Light and eternity granted to Thoth.

He was told by the Creator that his journey is a continuous effort that increases as he progress, which would mean that the mission will be continuous and the responsibility will only grow stronger in the afterlife and based upon evaluating once earthly achievements ones assignment would be dictated in the beyond if one chooses to share a place amongst the angels of heavens.

Then from his throne came one of the Masters

Taking my hand and leading me onward

Through all the Halls of the deep hidden land

Led he me through the Halls of Amenti

Showing me the mysteries that are known not to man

Through the dark passages, downward he lead me

Into the Halls where site the dark Death

Vast as space lay the great Hall before me,

Walled by darkness but yet filled with light.

This paragraph reminds me of a verse from the Quran which is so similar in its detailed description of this wall, in surah Al Hadid; 57:13 it says; (On the [same] Day the hypocrite men and hypocrite women will say to those who believed, “Wait for us that we may acquire some of your light.” It will be said, “Go back behind you and seek light. “And a wall will be placed between them with a door, its interior containing mercy, but on the outside of it is torment). There are several thousand years between the two books, is that a coincidence or is it a reminder that the source of enlightenment to humanity is but one.

Before me arose a great throne of darkenss

Veiled on it seated a figure of night

Darker than darkness sat the great figure

Dark with a darkness not of the night

Before it then paused the Master, speaking

The world that brings about Life, saying;

“Oh master of darkness

Guide of the way from Life unto Life

Before thee I bring a Sun of the morning

Touch him no ever with the power of night

Call not his flame to the darkness of night

Know him, and see him

One of our brothers

Lifted from darkness into the Light,

Release thou his flame from its bondage

Free let it flame through the darkness of night.”

Raised then the hand of the figure

Forth came a flame that grew clear and bright

Rolled back swiftly then curtain of darkness

Unveiled the Hall from the darkness of night

This is an account of the encounter between Thoth and the Master that led him who was Gabriel and the angel of death.

Then grew in the great space before me

Flame after flame, from the veil of the night

Uncounted millions leaped they before me

Some flaming forth as flowers of fire

Others there were that shed a dim radiance

Flowing but faintly from out of the night

Some there were that faded swiftly

Others that grew from a small spark of light

Each surrounded by its dim veil of darkness

Yet flaming with light that could never be quenched

Coming and going like fireflies in springtime,

Filled they the space with Light and with Life

Then spoke a voice, mighty and solemn, saying

These are lights that are souls among men growing and fading, existing forever

Changing yet living, through death into life

When they have bloomed into flower

Reached the zenith of growth in their life,

Swiftly then send I my veil of darkness

Shrouding and changing to new forms of life

What Thoth was seeing in this episode was none else than souls of beings each lights and radiance is based on its merits and achievements.

Steadily upward throughout the ages, growing

Expanding into yet another flame

Lighting the darkness with yet greater power

Quenched yet unquenched by the veil of the night.

So grows the soul of man ever upward

Quenched yet unquenched by the darkness of night

I, Death, come and yet I remain not

For life eternal exists in the All

Only an obstacle, I in the pathway

Quick to be conquered by the infinite light

Awaken, O flame that burns ever inward,

Flame forth and conquer the veil of the night.

A clear statement that we are light origin beings and on a transit phase of our life journey, once our earthly phase is expired, we move to another phase to be decided upon our merits and achievements and ever-advancing even after our earthly death, a magnificent recycling process that never stops.

Then in the midst of the flames

In the darkness grew there one that

Drove forth the night, flaming, expanding, ever brighter, until at last was nothing but Light.

Then spoke my guide, the voice of the master

See your own soul as it grows in the light

Forward with the mysteries of the Children of Light, mysteries that man may never yet know of until he, too, is a Sun of the Light.

Backward then HE led me into the Light

Of the hall of the Light, knelt I then before the great Masters, Lords of all from the cycles above

Spoke HE then with the words of great power saying

Thou hast been made free of the Halls of Amenti

Choose thou they work among the children of men.

We realize from this paragraph that not only Thoth was given eternal life and enlightenment but he was also granted to choose his assignment in life.

Then spoke I:

O, great master, let me be a teacher of men, leading them onward and upward until they, too are lights among men; freed from the veil of the night that surrounds them, flaming with light that shall shine among men.

Spoke to me then the voice;

Go, as ye will, of your destiny, free to take or reject at will, take ye the power, take ye the wisdom, shine as a light among the children of men.

Thoth has chosen his assignment, and since Thoth is also Melchizedek this very popular personality mentioned in the Old Testament and the New Testament as well (read or listen to several of my articles The Enigma of Melchizedek, the Cave of Ages). This unique personality was a teacher to Abraham, King David, King Solomon, and probably all of the rest of prophets, since it was recorded historically that they all had an encounter with at once stage of their lives.

Upward then, led me the Dweller,

Dwelt I again among the children of men

Reaching and showing some of my wisdom

Sun of the Light, a fire among men,

Now again I tread the path downward

Seeking the light in the darkness of night

Bold ye and keep ye, preserve my record

Guide shall it be to the children of men

This is a clear message from the past of humanity to those who will to listen and those who will to heed.


Adam El Masri

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