
Do We Have A Destiny?

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Destiny is not carved in stone neither does the universe burden you with a destiny.

You are born with potential. How much potential you realize depends on the choices you make. Every moment after moment you are presented with an array of choices. When you make a choice you pass through one of several doorways.  There is wisdom in each of you choices, each of them creates consequences that you will experience, and if you choose, you learn. The path you choose is determined by choice and not by the universe.

What Are The Strength Of Thoughts?

Thoughts open you or close you. The thought that you may loose a friend closes you. The thought that you are the source of your own well being opens and empower you.  Choosing your thoughts is like choosing a pair of glasses. What your thoughts open or close you to, is your experience. Your thoughts determine whether you will fear and resist you experience or whether you will embrace and be supported by them.

How Do You Recognize Evil And Judge Evil?

Evil is an absence not a presence. The remedy for an absence is a presence not an action. Where an absence of Love, there is is fear, judgment, and violence. When you fear and judge the darkness, you step into darkness. You cannot recognize nor fight evil without joining it.  The difference between judgment and recognition of evil is your emotional reaction. If you are repulsed and frightened, you are judging what you encounter. When you have an emotional reaction to evil the absence of love that absence is on you.  Understanding this is very important because it enable you to personally contribute to the reduction of evil. By changing yourself into a loving person that you would like others to be, will repulse the evil that is part of you. The change from absence of love to presence of love in a human life is creation of authentic power and the alignment of personality with the soul.

Declaration of War

Recognizing anger, jealousy, fear, is not enough. It’s easier to become angry at someone else or the universe rather than feeling the pain. You must go to the root of the emotions, which is a part of your personality that you do not know about, or are too frightened or ashamed to acknowledge. Once you become familiar and recognize how you body feels and what thought come to mind with an emotion in terms of its physical sensation such as anger, jealousy or fear.  Then you will be able to see and old acquaintance with whom you have a disagreement with. This is where the challenging, frightened part of your personality comes in.  Hence the declaration of war, making this decision to use your freewill to change an aspect of yourself that you do not want to be creating experiences in your life anymore. Growing older does not mean automatically becoming wiser and gentler, millions of people dies angry, frightened, and jealous. If you do not change yourself you will be one of them. No one can change you except yourself. You cannot be a spiritual evolved and an emotionally un-evolved person at the same time. No matter how you do it, recognize and challenge frightened parts of your personality you want to change.

Halima Aboal

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