
Madam Sage

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Doppelganger… Amazing yet true! Nicolas Cage movie Next, was rather amusing, the actual act of the supernatural ability performed by Nicolas Cage in his role when he split his body into several forms jumping into future while tracking a bomb.

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This actual act though exaggerated in the movie but still originally is based on one of the first ever recorded incidents of doppelgangers, the very famous Madam Sage of Livonia school, Russia in 1845.

It was recorded that while students were taking notes in a classroom attended by Madam Sage at the time teaching at that school, suddenly one of the students frantically screamed as she witnessed Madam Sage splitting her image form in the act later became to be know the doppelgangers act, as Madam Sage was at the blackboard explaining the lesson she split into another Madam Sage sat at her table and got busy preparing next day’s schedule, now that is what I would call, time utilization.

Madam Sage managed to become two Madam Sages effortlessly, and went about her days work. In some instances, she was also seen by her neighbors watering her front porch flowers at home when they all knew she was supposed to be at school attending classes. It was also reported by one of her closest friends that while she was attending to her, taking care of her and feeding her when she was sick, Madam Sage projected another hologram of herself and fluttered around the room tiding it up.

This phenomenal woman managed to split not only into two but was even seen splitting into three and maybe more.

Couple of years later when the school governors insisted on investigating the rumors involving the local authorities in the process, madam Sage did not deny any of the rumors and confirmed that it was all true, and she did indeed performed the doppelganger phenomena by projecting another image of herself by pure willpower and attend to the arising needs as efficiently.

What was this phenomenon and how did madam Sage mange to do it.

Willpower is something we modern day citizens take very lightly due to our reluctance to believe in our spiritual abilities and due to our total reliance on modern day technologies.

Advanced technologies spared us lots of time by simply using its tools and instruments to serve our purpose and needs.

We became ignorant of such facts and simply categorized it as fictions, we neglected our own extra perceptions and abilities and reluctantly paid any attention to learn about it.

The first step towards learning more about such abilities would be to revive faith In our willpower, we are advanced beings occupying this planet and that is why we have dreams and targets to achieve, that is why we have culture, traditions and faith in after life.

Let us learn from this incident and revert to roots of our creation to develop our spiritual abilities and advance in our ascension towards divinity and the light awaiting us after our transition into the other dimension of the afterlife.

Madam Sage simply used her astral abilities and projected her ether body in her multi-tasked life.

Wouldn’t it be nice if next time you wanted to study you did so while cooking in your kitchen simultaneously.

To learn more about astral body and ether plane read the following articles posted on our website: Astral Travel, Ether Plane, Aboriginal Astral Travel.

And there are many more articles to help you self improve if you take your time and browse our Article Directory at the top of the page.


Adam El Masri

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