
Magical Ginkgo Biloba

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The maiden hair tree, Extinct thought of at one stage of history till it was rediscovered again thanks to Buddhist Monks in China, who secretly preserved several hundred trees from the massacre of bush fires and wood loggers who manages to strip any forest naked of any of its rare vegetations.

This divine tree represents the ultimate nutrition for the mind. It is so important that I would personally put it on the top of the list for food for mind and mental health.

Reaching as high as 35 meters this tree stand mighty and distinguished amongst its similar specie due to its multiple benefits and usages, it is the cortex of herbal and traditional medicine and very highly recommended for spiritualists attempting to develop their meditational capabilities and mind over matter exercise.

This temple related tree which is widely associated with Buddhism is actually the national tree of China due to its reverence and value to Buddhist culture.

It s medicinal use varies; the Ginkgo leaves contains flavonoid glycosides and terpenoids which is regarded as a pharmaceutical ingredients for supplements, in addition, it was recently found to be clinically effective in treating demential and memory fatigue related illnesses.

This plant seems to be effective in positively stimulating the neurotransmitters without any side effect which makes it ideal for natural herbal supplement. Recommended daily dosage up to 300 mg. a day would adequate for adults.

Lately researchers found Ginkgo to assist as a memory enhancer and again I stipulate its being free of side effects natural assistant in improving attention and sharpening focus.

Various research findings indicated the Ginkgo extract may improve blood flow as an antioxidant agent and reduce blood clotting related to cardiovascular, renal respiratory and central nervous system disorder along with the easing of other symptoms such as tinnitus, cerebrovascular insufficiency and peripheral arterial occlusive diseases Raynaud’s disease, painful walking, multiple sclerosis, and anti fatigue agent.

There are many more research findings related to the benefit of this Magical plant such as stopping vitiligo within three to six months and so on and so forth.

Some researchers however, suggested the probability of an undesirable effect for individuals with blood circulation disorder and those taking anticoagulant such as ibuprofen, aspiring or warfarin or other types of antidepressants (monoamine oxidase inhibitors and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or by pregnant women without first consulting a doctor.

There also maybe a side effect of a possible increase of bleeding gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness heart palpitation and restlessness. In case there is an experience of any of the above it an immediate stop of its consumption is very highly recommended, and it is always desirable to consult a doctor before taking any pharmaceutically related ingredients for better safety.

Wishing you all a better health


Adam El Masri

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