
Mind Over Matter

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A mental discipline… Mind over matter or preferably will power is still new and vague to science, though, it is part of eastern culture whether in Hindu yoga or Buddhist meditational techniques and training of self control which served many purposes starting with self improvement, spiritual development in addition to (alternative medicine) curative means to a multiple of ailments and ills.

The best and most effective methods of curative alternative healing are that which involves many practices of self control.

This self control is referred to by medical science as “Biofeedback” where patients attempted to heal themselves from ailments related to circulatory system, muscles, heart and brain, some of it may be totally cured other things may partially be cured based upon the measure of will power and self control of the patient.

There are currently several sensitive medical instruments available in the market to help patients monitor and control or rather manage several involuntary body functions previously considered unmanageable.

Biofeedback; by learning how to manage our brain waves we initiate our own Biofeedback. Brain waves range from 0.5 up to 45 HZ and known as beta, alpha, theta and delta waves and lately added to them the Gamma wave. Extensive research led to very valuable findings in this new Neuro/science, yet there is still a long way to go to enable us to have a clearer pictures of the full scope of this young science so that we may put it into a more practical health related usage.

When our minds are in normal state of consciousness we would be in the beta wave level (read my Trance article for further information related to brain waves) the frequency of beta waves is between 13 and 30 Hz.

Alpha waves are electrical waves from the parietal and occipital regions of the brain or in simpler words, the lymphatic system located below the cortex, its frequencies range between 8 and 12 or 13 Hz. As you notice; it is slower than the beta waves and are most usual when we are mentally alert, calm and relaxed, or when day-dreaming. Alpha waves are a sign of nervous system slow down indicating lack of sensory stimulation in a conscious person.

It was first discovered in 1935 and maybe stimulated when our eyes are closed or when we stare into distant object be it sky or ocean or similar target.

During alpha wave one may stop his heart beat without dying, walk on burning embers injury free and heal himself from all sorts of modern day illnesses.

Through appropriate training in self control Biofeedback may be applied to control our involuntary nervous system which functions without any conscious control similar to what controls our breathing which in turn affects our heartbeat and blood pressure. There are many scientific experiments succeeded in validating the possibility of control over our autonomic system, similar experiments were conducted to treat anxiety, depression, blood pressure as well as asthma, tension, insomnia and even epilepsy and paralysis. And we sometimes unwarily use it on our children to help them overcome fear, panic or pain.

I personally used similar methods to treat migraine headaches, depression and related to tension symptoms. The whole idea is to be able to open our neurotransmitters to help us heal and recover and achieve magnificent feats in our lives.

One essential factor in such treatment is the feedback where it requires a patient to tune into a certain body function and gain control over it. Some patients may need to use an electric meter, an electromyograph or any related instruments to help gaining control, this usually assists the patients by allowing them to self observe and self monitor their own bodily functions, I call this the Audio visual factor.

There is still much to learn but above all we need to learn to have more faith in our potentials trust our instincts and sharpen our senses so that we may enjoy a happier and more peaceful life.


Adam El Masri

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