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Legacy and Science… Reincarnation is a belief shared by over a billion devoted Hindus and Buddhists around the world, it even succeeded in finding a foot hold in western civilizations after the spread of yogism and eastern spirituality during the 20th century after colonialism shrank away and western and European forces started pulling back from India and China.

Hinduism and Buddhism belief emphasizes on the ability of the soul to return to life in a different form using a different body, whereas, monotheistic belief focus on one life for one soul concept.

Several scientific attempts were made to explore the possibility of soul reincarnation; most popular of such researches was led by Dr. Ian Stevenson, a United States academic psychiatrist and founder of perceptual studies Division in, department of psychiatry and neurobehavioral sciences, Virginia University focusing on the study of children who remember former lives and near death experience.

Though orthodox Jews have a doctrine supporting reincarnation, skepticism still surrounds this issue, and my belief is;  it is one of the most confused concepts amongst us due to lack of seriousness in related research to it.

I dare to say confused issue because if one considers reincarnation one finds himself ending up in even more serious puzzle to solve.

If there is reincarnation to souls then where does that lead us if we are to refer to the Day of Judgment  as a common belief in almost all religions?

How would souls be summoned, and based upon what principle would be judged!

If we are to believe that reincarnation is a due process after death, that would lead us to the ultimate injustice of having a soul judged several times,  Which may become an endless process with no determining of its end results due to its complexity.

What is more out of context is the mere fact that if reincarnation is a due process after death this would translate to indicate a shortage of solutions to soul judgment for such would be a primitive method to carry on, and for what purpose!

It is as important to stress that the non existence of reincarnation as a due process after death does not mean its non existence as an available alternative in special cases.

Reincarnation may be available as an alternative method for special cases only, and it is not a due process after death.

I believe that the misconception of reincarnation originated from the belief of recycling and purification, and I personally can accept that. Since my belief in such process is based upon more solid logic and less Theo/philosophy.

I believe reincarnation happens only once when a person dies and the soul departs the physical form, he then reunites with his existing soul when its due to resurrect for judgment.

There is no shortage of souls to distribute amongst living beings and no lack of methods to purify and recycle such soul since it is still a form of ether plasma/static substance capable of unlimited options including splitting and developing into new and more pure energy indefinitely.

The spirit of an individual being is in its semi primitive form when it is still occupying that beings physical body, but once it departs it becomes a soul, and when the day of its judgment approaches it would be judged as a spirit and not as a soul, for a soul is just an energy with no identity where as spirit is identified with the body it occupied during life on earth.

Life on earth is just a phase of transit between different space and time, and the spirit existence on earth is temporal, it transforms after death to soul and may coexist in a parallel world in waiting for the end time of this life cycle to be finalized by the process of judgment leading to its selection and deciding its next destination based upon evaluation of its purity.

Spirituality and religious teachings are only meant to direct spirit toward purification in order to benefit better results when judgment is made and selection is done.

That is why we all share in the belief of the eternity of souls and not the eternity of spirits, because spirit is but a term to describe the life on earth and its transit phase after death and before judgment day.

Soul energy utilization is based upon what creature or being it is meant to occupy and revive, example: a dinosaur spirit needs a different category of soul to pump up life into its physical body, where as a whale spirit needs a different soul category all together.

Each soul has a different category based upon what is its designated duty and role.

A human baby would have a soul to become his spirit based upon the structure of his mother and father souls. In other word; my spirit would ultimately need to carry the same genes of my parent’s soul as well.

The soul energy of my parents would develop a new string forming offshoot energy to occupy my physical body and to become my own spirit.

This logic is more evidential than others. A more string oriented concept is easier perceived by my mind, and may lead me to better perception of the whole process of life and death and Judgment and the relation that binds the creator to the created and the purpose of creation.

My spirit and after it transforms into a soul does not and cannot occupy a cats physical body or a rat or even my other non physical body waiting in transit, because my ether or Astral body in fact still lives using this energy soul designated to serve my purpose of existence in this life and the after this life and the eternal life beyond.

And just for the sake of arguments: Jesus soul still occupies his Astral body in waiting to return to this realm of space time and will not possess  or inhabit any other.


Adam El Masri

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