
Reintroducing Energy Healing

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Better known in modern language as bio energy healing and known to ancient civilizations as spiritual healing. The bio energy healing has become an alien to most of the modern world, though trying to find its footsteps again and rediscover its roots,

it finds more alienation amongst us when its referred to as spiritual healing due to being subjected to innumerable forms of crockery, hijacked by modern masters of the want to be and the imposter opportunists making sure an advantage never escapes them.

Modern science have recognized the presence of bio energy and several scientific tools and instruments were invented to measure it and make it more physically sensed while research is ever increasing to attain a more comprehensive approach towards a better utilization of this spiritual bio energy to enhance its benefit and better its utilization.

While spending the last two weeks working on energy healing in Dubai, I came upon some interesting observations opening my eyes to even a wider space to learn how to manipulate this form of healing which is proving its crucial presence as a curative means within the alternative medical specter and providing a needed stimulant source of synergy of a medico/spiritual approach to further increase human benefit.

Such approach is best when combining Electromagnetic and Cymatic therapies which in turn rejuvenates body cells, re-balances body energy and re arrange the sacred geometrical pattern sought after.

Energy healing uses a concentration of electromagnetic waves to assist in curing body ailments, and when accompanied with some psycho spiritual induction it proved to be extremely effective with immediate and noticeable results on those in need.

Though energy healing falls into the veritable therapy category, nevertheless, it contains a vast variation of philosophies, techniques and practices correlating such variables to different socio/ethnical backgrounds.

Having that said, one needs to remember that energy healing devices and gadgets flooding our global markets are proven to be fraudulent and a total money waste. curative electromagnetic energy can only be produced by a living being factor, be it a human or an animal, yes animals!

That is why many find pets to be an emotional soother in many cultures. Though, I must stress in here that not all pets may produce a positive charge of bio energy.  Some pets simply don’t have what it takes, just as some humans fail to emit positive bio energy.

In addition to the above, it is worth mentioning that I personally discovered no authentic claim concerning a curative bio energy charged accessories such as bracelets, rings or necklaces, and only a living being with an already existing capacity to generate such curative energy may charge specific gem stones with curative bio energy, and this in itself is a complicate process and not so easily accomplished.

There are several steps taken that precedes the charging process and couple of signs that follows indicating its success. I have already demonstrated that in Dubai as well, my advice is to stop wasting money on such devices and accessories, and stop being commercial advert prey, and if one needs the bio energy one needs to start practicing for nothing of such value comes cheap.

As for remote therapy; there is no such a thing aside of a miracle, and subtle bio energy is no miracle, I would preferably classify it as a talent.

Modern science has a lot left to figure out the remaining doubts about this subject but things are getting better and I am certain that better and more advanced methods of documenting are indeed needed to further advance in achieving quantitative materials to verify and research.

Take for example a new finding I stumbled upon while working on a case involving nerves and facial muscles, I and my associates as well as the subject worked upon observed that after subjecting the facial part intended to bio energy, the muscles of that part became firmer and more lively with more defined muscle complexion suggesting that bio energy may also be utilized in face lifting and other beauty related usages.

In conclusion to the above, energy healing is dramatically expanding and will continue to do so in the foreseen future, and as we experiment deeper and further into human bio energy we will undoubtedly discover more benefits and more efficient application methods to achieve more desirable results.

We will continue exploring this possibility and update you further as we progress in this experiment.


Adam El Masri

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