
Saif al Islam

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Mark my words... The infamous son of Gadhafi in captivity; Profiling Saif’s last body language on board of plane of vanity; looking at Saif’s body language onboard was obviously indicative of the following:

First, He showed a slightly relaxed muscle contraction which can only mean he somehow managed to reach a deal with his captures.

Then, the amputated fingers can tell the rest of the story!

Here is my scenario; Saif was cornered some were near Zintan in the vast and empty southern deserts of Libya.

The Zintan revolutionary forces captures him and blocked all the roads leading to his location, fighting broke out between local revolutionary forces and those who captured him till the current group over took the post where he was held.

Saif tried to buy his freedom out and failed, however and mark my words on this personal claim, Saif was successfully blackmailed and under torture he lost his three fingers in the process and did hand over a large sum of cash and gold, probably over half a billion in return of keeping him alive during the fight that took place prior to his fall in the hands of present kidnappers, in return Saif pledged not to reveal the blackmail story and keep his silence!

You may think using the term kidnappers is irrelevant but I believe it is adequate since I believe he was blackmailed and paid for his safety.

How did I reach this conclusion?

His body language and false sense of security on the airplane, his anxiety when landing and his uttering to his capturers “that is not what we agreed upon” referring to a previous deal between them to keep him alive and safe, his wounds were still fresh and still bloody and his band aids were still fresh as well, which is an indication to a recently incurred wounds.

I personally expect him to reveal what happened with a bit of exaggeration once he is moved to a safer and more stable location and once he feels he is better covered by the media, knowing his nature and his hunger for recognition which will most certainly drive him to use this to attract more attention and get him to broker a softer deal with whoever is going to end up judging him, that is if he was not assassinated first and like his father.

Yes, his father was assassinated to hide another brokered deal for brokering is an instinctive part of tribal nature.

And Libya is one of the last strongholds of tribalism in modern world.

Adam El Masri



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