
Table of the Planetary Hours

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Below are more detailed tables of the planetary hours, Magical names of the Hours, and of the angels who rule them:

Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Hours from-to
Hours from-to
Thu. Fri. Sat.
Merc. Jup. Ven. Sat. 8 1 Sun. Moon. Mars.
Moon. Mars. Mer. Jup. 9 2 Ven. Sat. Sun.
Sat. Sun. Moon. Mars. 10 3 Mer. Jup. Ven.
Jup. Ven. Sat. Sun. 11 4 Moon. Mars. Mer.
Mars. Mer. Jup. Ven. 12 5 Sat. Sun. Moon.
Sun. Moon. Mars. Mer. 1 6 Jup. Ven. Sat.
Ven. Sat. Sun. Moon. 2 7 Mars. Mer. Jup.
Merc. Jup. Ven. Sat. 3 8 Sun. Moon. Mars.
Moon. Mars. Mer. Jup. 4 9 Ven. Sat. Sun.
Sat. Sun. Moon. Mars. 5 10 Mer. Jup. Ven.
Jup. Ven. Sat. Sun. 6 11 Moon. Mars. Mer.
Mars. Mer. Jup. Ven. 7 12 Sat. Sun. Moon.
Sun. Moon. Mars. Mer. 8 1 Jup. Ven. Sat.
Ven. Sat. Sun. Moon. 9 2 Mars. Mer. Jup.
Merc. Jup. Ven. Sat. 10 3 Sun. Moon. Mars.
Moon. Mars. Mer. Jup. 11 4 Ven. Sat. Sun.
Sat. Sun. Moon. Mars. 12 5 Mer. Jup. Ven.
Jup. Ven. Sat. Sun. 1 6 Moon. Mars. Mer.
Mars. Mer. Jup. Ven. 2 7 Sat. Sun. Moon.
Sun. Moon. Mars. Mer. 3 8 Jup. Ven. Sat.
Ven. Sat. Sun. Moon. 4 9 Mars. Mer. Jup.
Merc. Jup. Ven. Sat. 5 10 Sun. Moon. Mars.
Moon. Mars. Mer. Jup. 6 11 Ven. Sat. Sun.
Sat. Sun. Moon. Mars. 7 12 Mer. Jup. Ven.


Table of the Magical names of the Hours, and of the angels who rule them, commencing at the first hour after Midnight of each day, and ending at the ensuing Midnight

Hours. Sunday. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday.
1. Yayn Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassael Michael Gabriel Zamael
2. Yanor Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael
3. Nasnia Cassiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael
4. Salla Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael
5. Sadedali Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel
6. Thamur Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel
7. Ourer Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel
8. Thainé Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassael Michael Gabriel Zamael
9. Neron Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael
10. Yayon Cassiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael
11. Abai Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael
12. Nathalon Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel
1. Beron Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel
2. Barol Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel
3. Thanu Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassael Michael Gabriel Zamael
4. Athor Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael
5. Mathon Cassiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael
6. Rana Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael
7. Netos . . Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel
8. Tafrac . . Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel
9. Sassur . . Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel
10. Agla . . Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassael Michael Gabriel Zamael
11. Cäerra . . Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael
12. Salam . . Cassiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael

Table of the Archangels, Angels, Metals, Days of the Week, and Colours attributed to each Planet.

Days. Saturday. Thursday. Tuesday. Sunday. Friday. Wednesday. Monday.
Archangel Tzaphqiel Tzadiqel Khaniael Raphael Haniel Michael Gabriel
Angel Cassiel Sachiel Zamael Michael Anael Raphael Gabriel
Planet Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon
Metal Lead Tin Iron Gold Copper Mercury Silver
Colour Black Blue Red Yellow Green Purple or Mixed Colours White



Quoted from the book of Key of Solomon

In the days and hours of Saturn thou canst perform experiments to summon the souls from Hades, but only of those who have died a natural death. Similarly on these days and hours thou canst operate to bring either good or bad fortune to buildings; to have familiar spirits attend thee in sleep; to cause good or ill success in business, possessions, goods, seeds, fruits, and similar things, in order to acquire learning; to bring destruction and to give death, and to sow hatred and discord.

The days and hours of Jupiter are proper for obtaining honours, acquiring riches; contracting friendships, preserving health; and arriving at all that thou canst desire.

In the days and hours of Mars thou canst make experiments regarding war; to arrive at military honour; to acquire courage; to overthrow enemies; and further to cause ruin, slaughter, cruelty, discord; to wound and to give death.

The days and hours of the Sun are very good for perfecting experiments regarding temporal wealth, hope, gain, fortune, divination, the favour of princes, to dissolve hostile feeling, and to make friends.

The days and hours of Venus are good for forming friendships; for kindness and love; for joyous and pleasant undertakings, and for traveling.

The days and hours of Mercury are good to operate for eloquence and intelligence; promptitude in business; science and divination; wonders; apparitions; and answers regarding the future. Thou canst also operate under this Planet for thefts; writings; deceit; and merchandise.

The days and hours of the Moon are good for embassies; voyages; envoys; messages; navigation; reconciliation; love; and the acquisition of merchandise by water.4

Thou shouldest take care punctually to observe all the instructions contained in this chapter, if thou desirest to succeed, seeing that the truth of Magical Science dependeth thereon.

The hours of Saturn, of Mars, and of the Moon are alike good for communicating and speaking with spirits; as those of Mercury are for recovering thefts by the means of spirits.

The hours of Mars serve for summoning souls from Hades,5 especially of those slain in battle.

The hours of the Sun, of Jupiter, and of Venus, are adapted for preparing any operations whatsoever of love, of kindness, and of invisibility, as is hereafter more fully shown, to which must be added other things of a similar nature which are contained in our work.



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