
Assad/Nejad Hidden Agenda

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The latest events in the Middle East demands from the observers sharper and more thorough follow up if we are to understand what lies behind the obvious script and what the local and international media adopts in their news broadcast and political talk shows are skipping…

There is one common cause between Assad and Nejad which I will name The Assad/Nejad Syndrome, that common cause is indeed to create a turmoil and chaos in the Middle East Region each driven by their own local agenda and goals.

Nejad is in pursuit of nuclear capabilities and knowhow, while Assad is adamant to keep his inheritance for the next Assad generation…

Nejad and Assad are both willing to decimate the whole of the region to reach their goals while time is no longer on their side.

The Iranians are spending the precious and the cheap to instigate political and economical crisis in the region while the Assad regime did not shy out from revealing their willingness to start sectarian wars in the region to help preserve their reign as they shamelessly repeated on several occasion “Their reign or the deluge”…

The above has become a common knowledge to the layman of the region and indeed to the international media, but what is not so well perceived is the primary role of Hezbolla to help achieve their goals and fulfill their agenda.

The last broadcast of Hezbolla chairman Sayyed Hassan Nasrullah was clear to me though his opponents did not pay attention to what he was trying to make them understand between the lines.

Nasrullah reiterated to those who wished to confront them to do so in Syria and Qussar. This indeed is a very deep yet sound indication to the situation we are in, in Lebanon and perhaps Iraq and Jordan in addition to Turkey. But what is not clear at all to the local and international media is the other side of the coin!

It seems that Nasullah was trying to indirectly warn the region of an eminent danger to befall upon the region specifically Lebanon.

Another remark worth noticing is when Nasrulla said that the fall of Assad regime forms an eminent danger not only on Hezbolla but rather on the whole of Lebanon, again he is not far from the truth.

There is a great fear of what Nasrulla fears that is a probable mandate by the western powers to the Syrian revolutionaries to move into Lebanon to finish Hezbolla as a price for the western military and political support to overthrow the Assad regime.

It seems that Lebanon is to pay a devastating price for whatever the foes of the world tailor…

Assad needs to fall, the Baath regime needs to terminate but at what cost!

Lebanese opponents have proven yet again to be amateurs and very immature politicians and public representatives by storming Hezbolla with their accusations of instigating a sectarian conflict in the whole region, that may very well be true in regards to Assad while and on the contrary to Nasrulla who is very well aware of the losses of regional popularity entailing from this involvement, Hezbolla is very much Aware of such Loss and by diverting his involvement to Syria he is trying to preserve some popularity credits within his local community and that is what time will prove, which is the true role of Hezbolla behind his direct involvement of fighting in Qussar and other parts of Syria…

It seems that the Assad regime exerted an immense pressure on Hezbolla to flex his military muscles over Lebanon and take control of whatever is left of this besieged tiny semi country, it seems that Nasrulla was left with no other choice than to divert the demands of Assad by transporting his military involvement to Syria instead of heeding the demands of Assad, and that is what is hidden in the Agenda.

The Role Nasrullah played is to be commended and will most probably be commended in the future when things maybe said openly without fear of retaliation…

One would protest argumentatively where such assumptions come from; well the simple proof is in what is happening now inside Lebanon after the failure to directly involve Hezbolla militarily in Lebanon.

Assad mandates his other supporters to take over the implementation of the plan.

The inner fighting in Tripoli north of Lebanon and the fly flying pattern in the nature of such fighting which is randomly moving in a slalom  from one street to another and from one Sunni area to another raises a question on the identity of the instigators who most of the time hide their identity either with balaclava or move in shaded black SUVs shooting their guns in the air if not shooting and looting every now and then for the sole purpose of creating chaos and instigating retaliatory response from local pro Syrian revolution locals and supporters. Not even once have we ever witnessed a formally committed Hezbolla member or follower to be directly involved in such incidents, it was mainly a Syrian Al Baath Party follower, Syrian Social Nationalist party follower or an Allawite affiliates and Syrian intelligence infiltrators among Syrian refugees who are roaming the streets of Lebanon bringing havoc ushering to a new phase in the implementation of the hidden Nejad/Assad Agenda.

Conclusion: what should be the next step to counter this Agenda?

Who and how are we going to negotiate terms with in the next coming election season whether in Iran, Lebanon and Syria if there is one.

What is the role of local, regional and international players to influence a seizure of a humanitarian catastrophe emitting from this conflict and knocking on our doors threatening our way of life and our very own livelihood?

Lebanon is in the eye of the storm, the vulnerability of Lebanon is unquestionable and not one is addressing it as yet should be.

The role of the super powers raises even more serious questions and the interpretation of the prophecy of Denial of the End of Times and the coming of the antichrist are even more dazzling, the interpretation claim that the United State will withdraw and retreat to within its own boarders leaving the Middle East to meet his destiny on its own, and the Russians would play a more vivid and pivotal role in supporting Assad which would at the end lead to an eruption of devastating war between Israel and the west from one side and Assad/Iran backed up by Russia and probably China on the other side.

Having that mentioned one needs to remind of a foretold prophecy of Imam Ali Bin Abi Taleb stating that prior to the coming of awaited Al Mahdi the chosen to lead Muslims at the time of the antichrist, there would be bloodshed in the region specifically in Syria and Damascus.

This claim might raise the eyebrows of many it certainly raised mine for over a decade yet fill in the blank puzzle is now resting and the accumulation of events are filling in the current blanks leaving very little room for the spectators to feisty over the outcomes.

I for one will not demonize the role of Hezbolla since I know their decision is anything but independent, I instead will question the qualification and potentials of the others to counter the source of this hidden agenda instead of getting preoccupied criticizing one of its tools.

Arabs in particular needs to grow up and unite against Iran agenda in the region, the ever increasing Israeli aggression and the role of never ending tyranny in the Arab world.

Last but not least; the refugee crisis in Lebanon Jordan and Turkey are going to worsen and a social, economical and security outcome will not only infest the whole region but will also spill over the whole world unless the humanitarian issues are immediately dealt with by the United Nations, the European Union and the rest of the world.

Beware of infiltrators in the region, such infiltrators will instigate violence and chaos at any available occasion they are by all means pure evil breed driven by utter hatred to peace and prosperity for the region lead by their greed to tyranny and power at any cost…

Adam El Masri

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