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My personal theory… Barzakh would be a Transit realm and a barrier separating physical and material world from ether and spirit world.

Barzakh is an Arabic word in origin and it means a barrier, it is mentioned in Holy Quran three times in three different occasions, and it is believed to be a transit station and a barrier between the physical world and the ether world. The physical world is not necessarily confined to the world visible to us and rather includes that which is invisible to our naked eyes such as parallel worlds occupied by other beings invisible to our naked eyes such as the world of Jinn, Jinn is another Arabic word and it means invisible to naked eye…

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It is believed that the Barzakh would be a resting station for the souls, souls of the dead awaits their judgment in the Barzakh, and souls of beings in their sleep also awaits in Barzakh for their return to the body they usually occupy, when someone is in a coma his soul for some reason fails to return to its original physical body.

Barzakh theoretically is like an outsourcing station of souls, a pooling center preparing spirits before it transforms into souls.

Spirits and souls are of the same substance though they differ in phase of existence, the soul is a spirit as long as it occupies a body and before it disconnects totally from that physical body. Soul is a former spirit after it is detached from its physical body; detachment should involve total disconnection from the physical form and its related fate and destiny.

A spirit of a dead person would still be considered as a spirit till the Day of Judgment where it would resurrect back, after judgment day it would become a soul.

Philosophically this would be the closest vision of the nature of Soul based upon information gathered from historical and ancient theological sources from different cultures around our world.

To get back to Barzakh, since it is a domain, a barrier separating all physical worlds from the hereafter, its space and borders would be unimaginable proportion and beyond our realization, it would also have a very complicated system with multiple categorical levels caring and managing spirits upon its type and the species it belongs to…

The temporary level within it would cater for spirits of dreamers until it wakes up and gets back to the bodies it normally occupies.

Incarnation of spirits or souls is a misconception and would not be feasible or even applicable, since it would create a confusion of what stage of an occupant soul would be reckoned or judged and which form of living it would be accounted for, besides there is no shortage of souls since souls are a form of energy, an energy originating from pure light in nature, though when it is in the stage of spirit it would probably contain other substances of plasmic and electromagnetic nature, again this is all philosophical yet closer to logic to enable us to relate it to what we may fathom…

This article is intended to initiate research and debate among the scientific community and the paranormal investigators and enthusiasts and by no means acclaimed as a solid fact.

In fact there is no way of proving it physically or tangibly in this life span.

Adam El Masri

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