
Bitter Reality

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Working in energy healing for a number of years opened our eyes to a bitter reality; we discovered the huge demand across the world for such healing, we discovered that merging spirituality, humanity and medical science does serve a purpose of better wellbeing and better general health…

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Having said that, we are not criticizing medical science, however, we are indeed attempting to draw attention to medical practitioners around the world that they need to recall their ethics and re-emphasis on serving humanity by separating business principles from medical ethics.

Medical practitioners are becoming more business-oriented and less interested in easing the pain of patients who are becoming more clients in the eyes of modern medical practitioners.

The bitter reality lies in the fact that so many patients “clients” are finding it increasingly harder to get satisfaction from a doctor’s visit due to the fact that doctors are more interested in marketing specific medicinal brands, hospital services or surgical techniques and instruments instead of focusing on easing the pain of a patient who might even be unable to afford whatever solution they may prescribe or envisage.

We at Paradetect have experienced numerous cases which we were able to solve with simple, cheap, and affordable solution without having to subject patients to strenuous process of healing simply by putting our efforts in addressing the main complaints of the subject rather than marketing a higher commission medication. Some of those we worked with were subjected to unsuccessful surgeries leaving them in bigger and more severe pains with a quote from their doctors that further surgeries may be needed or simply that is the best can medically be done for them at the time with the available medical means and tools.

Indeed, some investigation needs to be held to address this issue which is becoming more common than ever before.

Doctors need to return to the basics of what drove them to study medicine in the first place.

Patients in this century of advancement in science and technology are entitled for a better health insurance and more humane medical services.

By merging spirituality and science we can address patient’s needs with more effective solutions to ease their pain and preserve their dignity.

Do the needy and suffering need to sell their homes to get satisfactory health service is a lingering question that we will duly keep on heralding at…

Get healthier and join in our cause.

Adam El Masri

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