
Clash of the Tyrants

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Rupert Murdoch, Julian Assang and the secret war between Media and politicians in the 21st century.

What is exactly the motive behind the secretively declared war by modern politicians against international media, or is it between governments and media tycoons over power and international dominance!

Media tycoons use their hubs and media stations to influence international politics leaving world governments vulnerable threatening the future of neutral and nonbiased international politics while impacting every global individual regardless of nationality or creed.

Governments and politicians are suddenly cornered and squeezed in such a manner restricting their political conviction and personal freedom, sometimes resulting in suppressing people’s liberty of expression and freedom of choice.

Who is the oppressor and who is the victim?

Are we supposed to expect politicians to become archangels of earth with wings and light rings above their heads, take one of the first victims of this conflict, Bill Clinton. In my opinion He, Bill was probably one of the best and most efficient Americans to preside over the one and only super power for decades, what happened to him! He was literally vaporized over his personal non political conduct and performance, scrutinizing politicians since then took a different path. Notice how sex and sexual behavior or intensions suddenly became the WMD of media against any politician in this day and time…

This is very serious trend and a very dangerous deviation of media, politics and public service all over the world.

If this war does not stop, this may very well results in further depriving the international citizens of the world from more accurate truth conveyed by the international media or more fair governments serving our modern humanity.

I believe preserving the environment, tackling starvation and improving health services are much important things to worry about in this troubled world of today.

Promoting spirituality in our educational system may solve such issues including the “sexual behavior of Clinton, Assang or Cameron admiration to Rebekah Brooks” while preserving good public service  and maintaining peace and justice for all…

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Adam El Masri


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