
Crude Oil and Gold on the Rise

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Is it currently a safe investment? The last quarter of 2013 is a very interesting date to watch.

Political crises in the Middle East, the Syrian stage, Iran, Hezbollah and Israel have an appointment with major changes expected to materialize by the end of this year.

Such changes will have an immediate impact on the regional and international economy, crude oil and precious metal will face a strenuous increase of international demand and the political scene in the Middle East will enter a chaotic phase of an attempt to change cards of the game and roles of the regional players leading to even more uncertainty and human perils…

Assad regime will continue to misjudge the tolerance of the regional and international community, Gulf countries led by Saudi Arabia will play more effective role in exerting more effective pressure on the Syrians to resort to more defensive stance and Egypt will find it harder to stay out of the equation and find itself squeezed between a rock and a hard place to play a more effective role as a moderator in the regional crisis.

Will Russia ditch Assad, will Iran sell off its cards in Syria in return of more flexible negotiation terms with the West over their nuclear ambitions.  And what about Obama, why did he escalate his military threat to Syria then put a sudden halt on it, what triggered his escalation! Was it the Russian refusal to hand back the CIA operative Mr. Snowden and granted him asylum instead which was a humiliating blow to Obama and the Might of the Us and its influence in the international politics arena pressuring Obama to take a more aggressive stance in a showdown theatrical show of force to retain whatever dignity is left after an embarrassing face off with Putin and his doubtful attitude, these are questions history will answer…

The only certain Middle Eastern fact for the end of this year is that there will be even more deception by Syria, Iran and Russia causing even more confusion to president Obama and his western allies and chaos and inhumane anxiety for millions of Syrian refugees and the neighboring countries sheltering them.

The end of October may herald the beginning of the final phase for the Syrian conflict and new game for the Iranian nuclear countdown it is a date to watch.

Adam El Masri

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