
Deciphering Emerald Tablet III

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The Key of Wisdom – Thoth the Atlantean give of my wisdom, give of my knowledge give of my power. Three are the factors that Thoth emphasis upon in his journey of enlightenment for humanity’s redemption and long lasting fight against negligence and the darkness that binds it.

Wisdom comes first since wisdom is crucial to coordinate and chose knowledge.

Knowledge is what mints wisdom, without knowledge wisdom is crippled and rendered useless and may be destructive.

Power is the tool to enforce knowledge wisely; Arrogance is the enemy within while Silence against oppression is an unforgivable sin.

Silence is a form of surrender, surrender is to oppression, darkness and aggression, it is an infectious disease if spread it may threaten peace, freedom and justice which is what humanity stands for.

Law is the conductor of freedom, without the law freedom may beget chaos and havoc for freedom seizes if it trespass the rights of others, and by saying others I include man, animal and the environment…

Listening is the secret of positive and constructive communication that makes man a unique being amongst creatures that dwells upon Earth.

Fear is the worst obstacle in our process of learning, advancing and developing. Many may mistake fear for carefulness, thought the similarities between such two feelings are close enough to cause confusion to the untrained, and caution begets perfection while fear bring hesitation.

Following ones heart is performing a benevolent act of trusting one’s own instinct such an act may only be executed when man overcomes his binding fear and learns to listen to the voice within, purity of heart is essential for perform such a ritual.

Doing what is more than commanded of us is exceeding expectation by exerting effort by walking that extra mile ahead towards progress in our journey of human evolution.

We seldom regret following our hearts even when we fail in our choice yet we experience a sort of satisfaction and accept the outcome regardless of how it ends.

Your heart is the gate that leads to your inner nature and your soul. And with wisdom and knowledge one may not stray so easily.

Love, and what more divine is there besides it, when love is the companion of our actions and the generator of our reactions we will definitely reach what we all yearn for, the inner peace

If in council let others speak freely is that not what we all strive for, our freedom of speech, if we fail to exchange our freely expressed thoughts we fail to be fair with the others who share with us our human destiny and we fail to promote fair and explicit interaction between us.

Extravagance is an obstacle to an open heart while simplicity is the soother of the ears.

Silence when there is no need to speak is in fact a metaphor for speaking less is easier understood… and in the absence of full knowledge silence is a bless.
One needs to be fully informed before one may accurately judge.

Omar bin al Khattab,A companion of prophet Muhammad once wished he had a long neck so that the words take longer time to be uttered from his mouth.

One of the remarkable guidelines revealed by Thoth is “if thou seeketh to know the nature of a friend, ask not his companion, but pass a time alone with him. Debate with him, test his heart by his words and his bearings” in fact the lack of such practice in modern world is a major cause that leads to misjudgment and what it may entail with it.  This is indeed one of the many ills of modern day social structure amongst our global communes…

One needs not look far to understand the repercussion of such practice, one of such common repercussions is judging international terrorism and it related data gathering process applied by international intelligence networks across the world which is causing a huge intercultural drift and misunderstand making its outcomes rather comical in some cases such as the Red Mercury Myth and its dilemma.

To western Intel Agencies and Media they relate Red Mercury and all who pursue it to WMD and international terrorism, whereas most of those who chase after it are simply doing so due a common belief in an ancient myth which claims that such substance is on high demand by the Jinn world and if one can bring it to them one can demand whatever he wishes from them and they would be more than obliged to fulfill his wishes.

Many mostly Arabs are caught under international terrorism act, some of them are still imprisoned and many are still under investigation for the sole reason of wanted to buy red mercury, most of those if not all, are normal people with no knowledge of weapons and weapon making (read Red Mercury article on our website), they mere dreamers of fast wealth from the underworld.

If the wisdom of Thoth was ever applied in the investigative and interrogative methods of Intel Agencies such misunderstanding would never take place.
We are humans and judging a human behavior takes more than software to compare and evaluate it, it takes the art of being a human to do so and this involves spirit, body and body…

I wonder how accurate is the new high tech. gadgets installed at check points in advanced international airports around the world. Such digital gadgets which scan the eye retina or the facial expressions and muscle retractions comparing it with its stored data base to select its prey for even further humiliation before deciding whether a stranger is labeled a threat, or the automated answering systems which is designed for only one purpose, that is eliminating the human factor!

Thoth emphasis on sharing knowledge He said; “That which goeth into the store-house must come forth, and the things that are thine must be shared with a friend”.

Knowledge is a blunt sword that may only be sharpened by wisdom, and wisdom can only be attained by sharing ones knowledge.

Thoth also said; “knowledge is regarded by the fool as ignorance, and things that are of benefit ar to him hurtful. He, liveth in death, it is therefore his livelihood”.

This in fact reminds me of a very popular quote from the sayings of Imam Ali bin abi Talib; never have I debated with the knowledgeable and learned and not won, yet in defeat I ended with the ignorant one…

The Cosmos plays a pivotal role in Thoth Sayings; “Mysteries there are in the Cosmos that unveiled fill the world with their light, Let he who would be free from the bonds of darkness first cherish the substance from the immaterial, the fire from the earth, For, know ye that as earth falls to earth, so also fire ascends unto fire and becomes one with fire. He, who knows the fire that is within him, shall ascend unto the eternal fire and dwell in it eternally”.

The Cosmos is full of mysteries, mysteries that mankind strives to unravel, and the more we learn about the Cosmos the more we realize that the origin of life upon earth is from that Cosmos, even our waters origin was brought upon earth by asteroids in frozen form perhaps carrying with it the essence of the first life of which things evolved into becoming the life in its diversities that we know today.

Yet, it is essential to depart oneself from materialism by relying on spirituality in its scientific sense to be able to explore and learn more about the Cosmos, he refers to fire considering it to be the realm of life and the source of enlightenment, after all isn’t fire and when man learnt how to create it the first tool of evolution which made us different from all other creatures on Earth!

But what is more important of fire is that it was considered to be the Soul that dwells within our body and give us the live force as human beings, the fire of life is actually the Soul that drives the life force within us…

If we are to ascent towards the divinity above we first need to learn how to unite our life forces within us, which is spirit, mind and body and let go of our attachments to material belonging which serve nothing more than a bondage that darkens of path of enlightenment.

According to Thoth, if we are ever to achieve such divinity we need to believe in our humanity and its cause on Earth, we need to accept our role of servitude to a purpose by living a temporal phase of our eternity on this planet, we need to unite with nature so that nature reveals to us its secrets.

He speaks of the difference that makes every single individual sees, hears, feels and perceives differently to what one experience in this life and this is a scientifically proven fact that none of us ever perceives with his senses similar to others, each individual is influenced by what experience shaped his cognitive mind.

Thoth asks where do name and form ceases? And he answers; only in consciousness for consciousness carries no identity but that you shape and form based upon the power of your thoughts and the level of your achievements, in short, your legacy in this world. That is how you would free your inner light from the physical shell that binds it to this world and transcend into a higher and more divine world that awaits you.

Fasting is one common exercise that we all still remember with only few of us realizing its importance…

According to Thoth, all beings are to serve a purpose and that purpose is servitude to the principle of recycling, as a seed becomes a tree and that tree becomes a source of food and fire and countless other end-uses and as every living thing plays a role to serve a purpose we too live to serve another purpose and once such a purpose is accomplished we would change into another form and become another being in another space and time and another world. By doing so we are following the very law of nature the law of evolution which keeps this cosmos constantly changing.

By following the law of change we are adhering to reality and to the sense of logic.

We dream of flying yet we do not have wings, our sense of logic allowed us to invent a tool to help us defeat gravity and fulfill our dream, by doing so we learned how to overcome the law of gravity by utilizes other laws within our grasp…

Wisdom is a two way law of attraction; if we seek it wisdom will seek us back.

Thoth; “Deep in the mysteries of life have I travelled seeking and searching for that which is hidden…Far beneath the Earth crust in the Hall of Amenti mysteries I saw that are hidden from Men. Oft have I journeyed the deep hidden passage looked on the light that is life among men…there beneath the flowers of life ever living…searched I the hearts and the secrets of men…found I that man is but living in darkness…light of the great fire is hidden within”.

Traveling in the mystery of life simply means time travel, going forward and backward into time and space, (far beneath the earth crust lies the core of Earth, the crust and the core are responsible for giving Earth its atmosphere and the habitable environment that we enjoy),the hidden passage is what we call today time tunnel. He found man is living in darkness that is because man is ignorant of his true spirit; mind and body nature…the light of the great fire hidden within is the soul which is the spirit when still adjoined to the body and once separated becomes Soul.

As for the Halls of Amenti, it is a still time zone commonly referred to as a Hall in the underworld, but I would prefer to replace the underworld with the beyond as I see it more accurate hence befitting what it meant to describe.

Lords of Amenti;

“Before the Lords of hidden Amenti learned I the wisdom I give unto man…Masters are they of the great Secret Wisdom…brought from the future of infinity’s end…Seven are they the Lords of Amenti…overlords they of the Children of Morning…Suns of the cycles…Masters of wisdom.


Formed are no they as the children of men…Three, Four, Five and Six, Seven, Eight, Nine are the titles of the Masters of men…Far from the future, formless yet forming, came they as teachers for the children of men. Live they forever, yet not of the living, bound not to life and yet free from death…Rule they forever with infinite wisdom, bound yet not bound to dark halls of Death…Life they have in them, yet life that is not life, free from all are the Lords of the All. Forth from them came the Logos…instruments they of the power over all vast in their countenance, yet hidden in smallness, formed by a forming know yet unknown”.

It is so believed that those are the original archangels who descended to Earth to teach Man how to survive on this planet, they taught us all sorts of arts, agriculture, melting and molding metals raising live stocks, herbalist and many other things that in a sense became the basics of our modern science…they are also believed to have taught Thoth writing (a sort of an ancient Canaanite form of text that at a later date evolved into the Phoenician Alphabet which later on spread to ancient Greece then the rest of Europe.

Those archangels came down to Thoth when He was Enoch, took him places (kharsag is one of them, read my Kharsag article), and it would be helpful to read the book of Enoch who again is none else but Thoth or Melchizedek in addition to tens of more names repeated in ancient history cross cultures across the world.

They are Nine beings of light the same substance our soul is made of, life and death does not befall them or the soul, that is why only our bodies are mortal where as the soul is immortal to whatever it is destined to in the afterlife, Nine is also known to be the number of completion of the energy cycle that runs from one to nine.

These beings are still in charge of earthly lives and our planet Earth, they are the guardians and the true watchers over mankind and whatever dwells on our planet, hence they introduced the Logos which runs and manages our planet and the whole solar system that we abide by.

The Book of Enoch describes in some details this episode where Enoch encountered superior beings who escorted him to what I believe to be Kharsag, located in the Lebanese part of Mount Hermon (read; Kharsag the Garden of Eden article).

Three hold the key of all hidden magic, creator he of the halls of the Dead; sending forth power, shrouding with darkness, binding the souls of the children of men sending the darkness, binding the soul force; director of negative to the children of men.


Four is he who loosens the power. Lord he, of Life to the children of men. Light is his body, flame is his countenance; freer of souls to the children of men.
Five is the master, the Lord of all magic-key to the Word that resounds among men.


Six is the Lord of Light, the hidden pathway, path of the souls of the children of men.
Seven is he who is Lord of the vastness, master of Space and the key of the Times.
Eight is he who orders the progress; weighs and balances the journey of men.
Nine is the father, vast he of countenance, forming and changing from out of the formless.


Meditate on the symbols I give thee.
Keys are they, though hidden from men.
Reach ever upward, O soul of the morning.
Turn thy thoughts upward to the Light and to Life.
Find in the keys of the numbers I bring three, light on the pathway from life unto life.
Seek ye with wisdom. Turn they thought inward. Close not they mind to the flower of Light.
Place in thy body a thought-formed picture. Think of the numbers that lead thee to life.
Clear is the pathway to he who has wisdom. Open the door to the kingdom of Light.
Pour forth they flame as a Sun of the morning. Shut out the darkness and live in the day.

Take thy O man! As part of thy being, the seven who are but are not as they seem. Opened, O man! Have I my wisdom. Follow the path in the way I have led.
Masters of Wisdom, Sun of the Morning Light and Life to the children of men.

Further in tablet six Thoth reveals the Masters names and further expands in their description.

Thoth advice for man is to meditate on the numbers and what they stand for by creating a visual image of each of the characters in his mind and focus on what it stands for, according to Thoth this would serve our self improvement and lead us to the Light that exist within us.

In order to accomplish this and reach upwards one needs to look inwards and follow the light that is within.

Achieving a thought formed picture in one’s mind needs a lot of training and the clearer the formed picture is the better the results that awaits you.

Adam El Masri

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