
Deciphering Emerald Tablet V

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The Dweller of Unal… Welcome, join me in deciphering a new tablet of the Emeralds of Thoth.

Oft dream I of buried Atlantis,
Lost in the ages that has passed into night,
Aeon on aeon thou existed in beauty,
A light shining through the darkness of night,
Mighty in power, ruling the earth-born,
Lord of the Earth in Atlantis day,
King of the nations, master of wisdom,
Light through Suntal- Keeper of the way dwelt in his Temple, the Master of Unal, Light of the Earth in Atlantis day.

First thing we notice in the above quote is; Oft Thoth dreams of buried Atlantis, an Atlantis that is lost in the Ages and buried into night, and that a long phase of time separated his dream from the lost Atlantis such as Aeon on Aeon, this gives us a definite conclusion that the Emerald Tablets were composed long time after the disappearance of Atlantis.

Unal seems to be the center were the Temple is, I tend to believe it exists in space between the third and the fourth sky where Enoch is believed to dwell till present, while Suntal is the world, our world…in accordance to a parallel existence in different dimension to whatever exists on Earth and within our dimension…

Master, He, from a cycle beyond, living in bodies as one among men, not as the earth-born, He from beyond us, Sun of a cycle, advanced beyond men.
Know ye, O man, that Horlet the Master, was never one with the children of men.
Far in the past time when Atlantis first grew as a power, appeared there one with the KEY of WISDOM, showing the way of LIGHT to all.
Showed he to all men the path of attainment, way of the light that flows among men.
Mastering darkness; leading Man-Soul upward to heights that were one with the Light.

Horlet is the inter-multi/dimensional being in charge of Earth and the enlightenment of Man, definitely an Archangel most probably Gabriel…

Divided the kingdoms, He into sections ten were they, ruled by children of men.

The ten kingdoms of ancient world were;

Atlas (present day Morocco and what surrounds it).

Gadeirus (present Spain and neighboring region).

Amperes (Rome, present day Italy).

Evaemon(Libya, Algeria, Tunisia).

Mneseus (Crete).

Autochthon (Peloponnesian, Attica, Cyclades).

Elassipus (Turkey).

Mestor(Phoenicia, and the land of Canaan).

Azaes (Mauretania).

Diaprepes(Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia).

Upon another, built HE a Temple, built but not by the children of men, Out of the Ether called HE its substances, molded and formed by the power of Ytolan into the forms HE built with his mind.
Mile upon mile it covered the island, space upon space it grew in its might.
Black, yet not black, but dark like the space-time, deep in its heart the Essence of Light.
Swiftly the Temple grew into being, molded and shaped by the Word of the Dweller, called from the formless into a form.
Built He then, within it, great chambers, filled them with forms called forth from the Ether, filled them with wisdom called forth by His Mind.
Formless was He within his Temple, yet was HE formed in the image of men.
Dwelling among them yet not of them, strange and far different was He from the children of men.
Chose He then from among the people, three who became his gateway.
Chose HE the Three from the Highest to become his links with Atlantis.
Messengers they, who carried his council, to the kings of the children of men, Brought He forth others and taught them wisdom; teachers, they, to the children of men, Placed He them on the island of Undal to stand as teachers of Light to men.
Each of those who were thus chosen taught must he be for years five and ten.
Only thus could he have understanding to bring Light to the children of men.
Thus there came into being the Temple, a dwelling place for the Master of men.

Upon another built he a temple, by the power of Ytolan, Ytolan stands for the power of mind over matter, which is a main factor of creating, the first formation of Atlantis is clearly in the Ether world and the description of black but not black fits the picture of having the observer standing in the void of space between stars watching such formation, in this case it is Thoth who is the observer of such divine experience. Then, the dweller (the creator) gives the last act of creation which is To Be, the Kon fa ya Koun (Arabic; be and it shall be) factor.

As for the Three beings they would be sub-Archangels, Veils, supervisors of the affairs that surrounds Man on Earth. Keep in mind that translation may sometimes be confused and misleading…

Undal would be the main Island of Atlantis or the Island that was chosen to become the parallel physical center and equal to Unal in Ether dimension.

I, Thoth, have ever sought wisdom, searching in darkness and searching in Light.
Long in my youth I travelled the pathway, seeking ever new knowledge to gain.
Until after much striving, one of the Three, to me brought the Light.

One of the Three; I believe this to be confused translation and its ambiguity may only lead to a conclusion that the three maybe Horlet in Ether world and one in the image of man as Gabriel did on many occasion when descending upon and communicating with man.

Brought He to me the commands of the dweller, called me from the darkness into the Light. Brought He me, before the Dweller, deep in the Temple before the great Fire.

This is an indication to the ascension of Thoth and in this case of Enoch or later Melchizedek (revert to the book of Enoch), Gabriel took Enoch on an epic journey to meet with God (the Dweller), the Fire, reminds me of that Fire which was revealed to Moses prior to his reception of the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.

The Light was that of God when God spoke to Moses upon Moses request to view God, and God said if the Mount can withstand the Light of God then God will reveal himself to Moses, and the Mount could not withstand the Light of God, thus, Moses settled with speaking to God without seeing him…

There on the great Throne, beheld I, the Dweller, clothed with the Light and flashing with fire.
Down I knelt before that great wisdom, feeling the Light flowing through me in waves.
Heard I then the voice of the Dweller:
“O darkness, come into the Light. Long have ye sought the pathway to Light. Each soul on earth that loosens its fetters, shall soon be made free from the bondage of night.
Forth from the darkness have ye arisen, closer approached the Light of your goal.
Here ye shall dwell as one of my children, keeper of records gathered by wisdom, instrument thou of the Light from beyond.
Ready by thou made to do what is needed, preserver of wisdom through the ages of darkness, that shall come fast on the children of men.
Live thee here and drink of all wisdom.
Secrets and mysteries unto thee shall unveil.” Then answered I, the Master of Cycles, saying; “O Light, the descended to men, give though to me of the wisdom that I might be a teacher of men. Give thou of thy Light that I may be free.”
Spoke then to me again, the Master:
“Age after age shall ye live through your wisdom, Aye, when o’er Atlantis the ocean waves roll, holding the Light, though hidden in darkness, ready to come when ever thou shalth call.
Go thee now and learn greater wisdom. Grow thou through Light to Infinity’s All.”

God granted Enoch wisdom, knowledge and Eternity and God made him the King of Earth over Man. Enoch become the Record Keeper and teacher of Man which is the of the highest level of attainment amongst men.

Long then dwelt I in the Temple of the dweller until at last I was one with the Light, followed I then the path to the star planes, followed I then the pathway to Light.
Deep into Earth’s heart I followed the pathway, learning the secrets, below as above, learning the pathway to the Halls of Amenti and learning the Law that balances the world.
To Earth’s hidden chambers pierced I by my wisdom, deep through the Earth crust, into the pathway, hidden for ages from the children of men.
Unveiled before me, ever more wisdom until I reached a new knowledge; found that all is part of an All, great and yet greater than all that we know.
Searched I Infinity’s heart through all the ages, Deep and yet deeper, more mysteries I found.
Now, as I look back through the ages, know I that wisdom is boundless, ever grown greater throughout the ages, One with the Infinity’s greater than all.

It is foretold in the Holy Books and other historical records that Enoch disappeared at an uncertain age and never returned, though never returned as Enoch but did return in different characters as an inter or multi-dimensional eternal being Melchizedek or Merlin, Al Khodor and so on as described in several of my previous articles about Thoth countless historical personalities…

Light there was in ancient Atlantis. Yet, darkness, too, was hidden in all. Fell from the Light into darkness, some who had risen to heights among men.
Proud they became because of their knowledge, proud were they of their place among men.
Deep delved they into the forbidden opened the gateway that led to below.
Sought they to gain ever more knowledge but seeking to bring it up from below.
He who descends below must have balance; else he is bound by lack of our Light.
Opened, they then, by their knowledge pathways forbidden to man.

There is only one ancient record I can think of related to a race much more advanced than ours the roamed Earth, it is mentioned in the Holy Quran that there were those amongst our predecessors who excelled in power and knowhow and were much more advance than our race was, and that they misused their powers and were wiped out of the face of the earth with all of what they build but few traces left for us as evidence so that we may learn and avoid following their footsteps…

Are we not following their footsteps, have we not reached a stage where we became enslaved by our modern science instead of utilizing it to serve humanity and peace!

As for the phrase below, I can only think of the act of mining for minerals and other forces used in alchemy and or science.

But, in His Temple, all-seeing, the Dweller lay in his Agwanti, while through Atlantis, His soul roamed free.

Agwanti is rest and meditative status.

Saw He the Atlanteans, by their magic, opening the gateway that would bring to Earth a great woe.

Magic is none else but science.

Fast led His soul then, back to his body.

This is a clear astral travelling…

Up He arose from his Agwanti.
Called He the Three mighty messengers, Gave the commands that shattered the world, Deep beneath Earth’s crust to the Halls of Amenti, swiftly descended the Dweller.

I believe the Three are Archangels with Gabriel is defiantly amongst them…

Called He then on the powers the Seven Lords wielded; changed the Earth’s balance.

Philosophers and various spiritual schools would like to interpret the Seven Lords as levels of consciousness, though, I would partly agree from the philosophical and metaphorical aspect, however, the Seven Lords are inter dimensional beings in charge of humans affairs and they are called Veils.

They resemble in looks what sometimes we depict Aliens in movies, those beings with big wise eyes…

Down sank Atlantis beneath the dark waves, shattered the gateway that had been opened; shattered the doorway that led down below.
All of the islands where shattered except Unal, and part of the island of the sons of the Dweller.
Preserved He them to be the teachers, Lights on the path for those to come after, Lights for the lesser children of men.

If you read the book of Enoch you will come to realize that our human race doesn’t seem to be as pure human as we would like to think.

At one phase of human history during our early re colonization of Earth somewhere in Kharsag which is located in  Rashaya Al wadi according to late archeological findings,(read: Kharsag the Garden of Eden) other more ancient and more advanced beings descended down unto earth and at one stage managed to mingle with our women and beget a mixed hybrid race, ancient theology called them many names one of which is the Nephlems…

Called He then me Thoth before Him. Gave me commands for all I should do saying;
“Take thou, O Thoth, all of your wisdom. Take all your records, Take all your magic.
Go thou forth as a teacher of men, Go thou forth reserving the records until in the time Light grows among men.
Light shalth thou be all through the ages, hidden yet found by enlightened men. Over all Earth, give We power, free thou to give or take it away.
Gather thou now the sons of Atlantis, Take them and flee to the people of the rock caves.
Fly to the land of the Children of Khem.”

In here; it is well recorded that Thoth and I would like to refer to him in this phase as Enoch or Idris migrated to Egypt at one stage of his life and there in Egypt there still lies a burial place for him where people go and visit until today, Moslems as all other major religions cherish him and build shrines for him across the Middle East…

The Land of Khem is ancient Egypt that included present Ethiopia and Sudan.

The gathered I the sons of Atlantis. Into the spaceship I brought all my records, brought the records of sunken Atlantis. 

Do not be so surprised by the mentioning of a spaceship in those days, because in ancient sites in Egypt, Peru and Hindu temple walls in India in addition to other ancient ruins and sites they did find a depiction of an advance airplane and a very detailed space suit similar to those worn by modern astronauts, there was even a record of some sort of air battle taking place in the ancient world

Gathered I all my powers, instruments many of mighty magic.
Up then we rose on wings of the morning.
High we arose above the Temple, leaving behind the Three and Dweller, deep in the Halls beneath the Temple, closing the pathway to the Lords of the Cycles.
Yet ever to him who has knowing, open shall be the path to Amenti.
Fast fled we then on the wings of the morning, fled to the land of the children of Khem.
There by my power, I conquered and ruled them.

Whenever I come across the above paragraph I remember the film Star Gates, if you watch it you get much closer to understanding what Enoch or Thoth was talking about.

Remember, Thoth was the inventor of languages and writing as well as the introducer and teacher of many sciences and arts to Mankind, starting from Alchemy to astronomy, numerology and the list goes on…

Raised I to Light, the children of Khem.
Deep beneath the rocks, I buried my spaceship, waiting the time when man might be free.
Over the space ship erected a marker in the form of a lion yet like unto man.
There beneath the image rests yet my spaceship, forth to be brought when need shall arise.

It is greatly believed that somewhere in Egypt and under the sphinx or a sphinx since archeologist unearthed and still unearthing tens of them in smaller sizes all around ancient sites, it is believed that there is an underground Hall or a huge warehouse containing many of secrets and advanced tools and instruments left by Thoth for certain purpose and when need arise…

Some of the instruments described were an anti gravitational instrument to help lifting heavy objects, a laser beaming system, an advanced computer system and so on and so forth…

Know ye, O man, that far in the future, invaders shall come from out of the deep. Than awake, ye who have wisdom.
Bring for my ship and conquer with ease.
Deep beneath the image lays my secret.
Search and find in the pyramid I built. Each to the other is other is the Keystone; each the gateway that leads into Life. Follow the Key I leave behind me.
Seek and the doorway to life shall be thine. Seek thou in my pyramid deep in the passage that ends in a wall.

This search which was called upon by Thoth is in fact what inspired Egyptologist from all over the world to embark on a spree of none stop and relentless excavation to find this ancient treasure and they are still searching for it till present day, thought most do not admit it for the fear of being looked at as unrealistic dreamers since science still do not consider the Emerald Tablets as a scientific reference worth exploring…

Use though the Key of the Seven. And open to thee the pathway will fall.

Key of the seven; this is something I personally will contemplate on hoping to find a satisfying answer for us…

Now unto thee I have given my wisdom. Now unto thee I have given my way.
Follow the pathway.
Solve thou my secrets.
Unto thee I have shown the way.

You are all invited to join me in my quest of solving the puzzle of the seven and finding the clue of the whereabouts of the buried treasure of Thoth.


Adam El Masri

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4 Comments on Deciphering Emerald Tablet V

  1. Farwell says:

    So far, I’ve read the TABLETS 10X. From what I see, KEY of THE 7 relates to 3, 6, 9. Tesla found these #’s very significant. How did I arrive @ this conclusion? The 7 Lords are: 3, 4, 5 & 6, 7, 8, 9.
    3 is the 1st #…9 the last. Their numerical total: 42…..4 + 2 is 6.
    How these #’s would be used is still a mystery to me…please help…

  2. Nathanial W Amthor says:

    The key of the 7:

    3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

    Yes also related to the chakras and the levels of being one must shed upon death (theosophy)

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