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The world today… Current global events and its impact in shaping our world is creating a huge rift between cultures and social status in every community starting from developed to the underdeveloped world making humanity of the 21st century a pure dichotomy dividing us between good and evil, warmongers and peace advocates, rich and poor and list may go on and on…

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Crime against humanity is a mitigation to describe the existing dichotomy influenced by international politics and media driven by business interest covered by national security and national wealth.

What about human wellbeing and social harmony!

The racial and ethnical division resulted from this perpetrated crime needs to be addressed on the international level or the rift is deemed to widen and create an uncontainable slide that may result in a third world war only this time such war may prove to be a devastating event to our human civilization, an event of biblical devastation, an Armageddon predicted by all major religions ever since man first roamed the uncharted lands of this blessed planet.

Are we loosing the balance that we owe our existence to! Or is it just another phase of our history which will disappear in due time like that which preceded it since Adam first walked the path of mankind in (ironically) the Middle East, then we have the infamous quote from president Bush Jr. “you are either with us or against us”…
This dichotomy reminds us of what Bin Laden once said in one of his early speeches before he became so popular, I remember hearing him once saying on one of the international news channels that the world has become divided into two, those who believe and those who do not. But, believe in what?  Now this is the one million dollars question!

International media seems to be playing a similar role to that the late Bin Laden managed to foster during his reign over Al Qaidah.

What is making the implication worst is the fact that international politics of late has become so influenced and driven by media to the level that we the international audience can no longer tell the facts from fictions unless we can financially afford it. A journalist may watch a news flash on a news channel then write an article about it, then, out of the sudden news channels quote this journalist and it becomes another stray puzzle for us to comprehend!

There is poverty in the world, there is hunger and starvation, and nature is turning its back on us, are we going to stay idol till an Armageddon of some sort hits upon us and wipe us out of existence.

More is needed in the name of humanity less is needed in the name of profit…

Spiritualists need to have an authoritative platform to represent them on the international stage they may need to be represented in the United Nations on order to be heard.

Maybe spirituality would succeed where others have failed in uniting us and preserve our sanity and the continuation of our existence till the inevitable.

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Adam El Masri

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