
Doom 2012

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2012 sunspot 30 to 50 % stronger… According to physicist Mausimi Dikpati 2012 will witness a peak in sunspot activity that is 30 to 50 % stronger than its previous, this may have an immediate effect on our earth climate, it may disrupt our global communication system with any other technology related to satellites, electromagnetic and electrics in our use.

Long before; the Mayans were able to predict this sunspot peak and almost all known ancient civilizations related it to doomsday…

Sunspot is the cooler and darker region on the solar surface which usually experience increase or decrease on an 11 years cycle. Charged particles may bring havoc to our upper atmosphere and have a direct impact on our way of life and we need to get ready and prepare for a year full of harsh climatic activities of all sorts…

The good thing is that new technology was able to predict that several years ago six years pre warning to be exact which gives ample time to authorities around the world to prepare for the upcoming events in 2012. So until now, it seems most unlikely for any cosmic event to bring a day of doom for earth in two thousand and twelve.

However, there are other events which are worth considering!

It is a new island forming in the red sea off Yemen. Could it be a sign for the coming of the antichrist?

This is still an early speculation that needs some investigation this will be the subject of a future article…

Adam EL Masri

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