
Eye on Syria

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The Rise of the Antichrist… End of days prophecies in correspondence with current events in the Middle East

With great reluctance I write this article fearing I might be indulging myself with politics which I managed to keep myself remote from its sphere in my yester years.

I assure my readers I only right about this topic from my own perspective which focuses on promoting spirituality resenting all facets of evil and inhumane current politics of today…

The upheaval in Syria with what is becoming an inevitable reality of a nuclear Iran adding to it the current stance of Russia supported by a shadowy support of a shy China makes me wonder if what is happening is but a phase of end of days prophecies before the final countdown of the coming of the Antichrist, the beast who is expected by many biblical followers to have reached his final approach prior to emergence into reality.

And what is better than quotes from holy texts to begin the article with:

“Thus saith the Lord; For three transgression of Damascus, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because they have threshed Gilead with threshing instruments of iron; But I will send a fire unto the house of Hazael, which shall devour the palaces of Ben-Haddad. I will break also the bar of Damascus… (Amos 1:3-5,KJV).

The house of Hazael. Hazael and Ben-Haddad were kings of Syria who invaded Israel during the reign of Ahab, in the times of Elijah and Elisha. Both names have been found on archaeological inscriptions dating from this period, recognizing their importance as Kings of Syria.

Syria went to war with Israel on three occasions starting in 1948, 1967 and 1973 where as the fourth is clearly predicted to take place symbolizing the commencing of the final phase prior to the end of days.

The prediction also talks of the total destruction of Damascus the capital city of Syria signifying Syria’s downfall and ushering an invasion of Israel by Russia backed up by Iran (ancient Persia) including its other allies according to the book of the prophet Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39.

The total destruction of Damascus is supposed to be one of the major signs of the beginning of end of days period, as mentioned in Isaiah: 71-1”Behold,Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be ruinous heap”.

After the downfall of Syria and the Invasion of Israel by Russia and its allies a new phase of biblical events will commence, it is the time of the Great Tribulation mentioned in the Bible,” For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. (Mathew 24:21).
What is certain is that there is an obvious acceleration of current events to meet with “end of days” prophecies, and whether this acceleration is deliberate conspiracy or otherwise is another story in the eyes of the beholders…

Having that stated one may wonder whether this is the actual reason behind the reluctance of western powers in attempting to help to over throw the present Syrian regime led by Assad family and the Baath Party!

Hafiz Assad former president of Syria and Father of current President Bashar Assad was very shrewd politician, strategist and a talented diplomat, nevertheless a dictator and a tyrant to many around the world. It is said that the original family name of Assad was actually Al wahash which means the Beast in Arabic, and some seem to believe that Hafiz Assad somehow managed to change the name from Al wahash to Assad which also means in Arabic Lion or in other words king of the beast.

Now having said this I cannot help but fiddle with the names of these two presidents since Syria is so much focused upon lately and since it is included in end of days biblical prophecies and so on. So let us consider the meaning of the name Hafiz al Assad, it actually means the keeper of the Lion, and Bashar and I will try to be as accurate as I can, may means that who preaches or foretells now switch the name of Assad to the name of al Wahash which means the Beast, isn’t the Beast a nick name for the antichrist! and I will leave the rest for you…

But what is even more intriguing is what is quoted from the sayings of Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib (favorite cozen of prophet Muhammad) regarding the phase preceding the coming of the Anti Christ which matches the biblical prophecy concerning the bloody unrest of Damascus, it is said that Imam Ali mentioned in that regards that the anti Christ will not come until blood is spilled in the land of Damascus “bilad el Sham” and on its streets till it reaches the height of knee caps.

According to bible prophecies the fall of Syria will be followed by the fall of Iran and the demise of Russian role and influence in the Middle East region, such prophecies and events are mentioned  extensively in my book Sakatat Babel for those of you who knows Arabic or Indonesian…

There is a common anticipation amongst regional and international observers of the Middle East current events that the Alawite led by Assad family reign of Syria will no longer be by the end of this year, moreover, there is also expecting to be some sort of an earth quake in this region with a probable tsunami splitting the ancient city of Tyre from its surroundings (Tyre is located south of Lebanon)signifying the beginning of end of days…

I personally will be keenly observing and monitoring events between September and October of this year and would ask you to do the same…

Be safe


Adam El Masri

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