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Inspiration is a beautiful thing. Whether you discover it through someone or something. No matter what that may be, it is such a rush to feel that for once you know what you want or may possibly have everything sorted.

The tricky part is trying to keep that flame of inspiration lit up.  Guiding you through those dark and lonely nights, that flame needs to be strong. It’s so easy to let go of your hopes and dreams and get distracted by something else that seems practical at the time. You need to always think one step ahead and never let your impulsive temptations get the better of you, for a perfect opportunity might just stroll right past you because you have dedicated your time and committed yourself to something that is merely as half as important to you as that dream you once had will ever be.

Life is tough. We all know that… but no body said it would be an easy journey. Take all the experiences in your life as a lesson learnt and make the same mistake over and over again. It’s not always about realizing the mistake you’ve made but more so about whether its time for you to let go of that constant mistake. You will sooner or later come to terms with who you really are, what you really want in life and hopefully wake up one day with that sense of balance that your sub-conscious has designed for you.

I believe that my life and the outcome of it has been written somewhere in the sky’s. With a pencil… Meaning at anytime depending on my actions, a page can easily be erased. The question is, how important would that page be?

As an instinct, we as humans often dwell on what we don’t have and as time passes by, it is sad to notice that what we are dwelling on is becoming more and more of a materialistic matter. Let your hopes and dreams be something sacred to your spirit, let it represent your inner beauty, let it be genuine and pure, instead of taking part of this viscous cycle we call a “trend”. Appreciate your individuality and do not let anything get in your way if what you want does not cause any harm to yourself or others.

Lately I have been quite confused with what I want for myself. It’s so easy to get caught up with what is around you. That’s why it is imperative to take time out in doing something that relaxes your mind, calms your spirit and grounds you.  For myself, I tend to find that meditation and practicing breathing techniques really helps me with clear thinking. Find that one thing that takes your spirit to a calm sanctuary whether it is playing an instrument, exercising, reading etc.; Escape the daily grind every now and then and you will become more decisive in your actions and your confidence and clean attitude will be noticed by others.

Take control of your destiny. Be who you want to be and not what others want you to be. Grasp any opportunity that may come your way and always remember to stay inspired and motivated. You are guaranteed to succeed in this poisonous environment that we seem to surround ourselves in.

Sam Khatib

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