
Kharsag, The Garden of Eden

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I would like to start my new article with a notion to all of us humans that spirituality is not a figment of imagination and it is not an escape route from a bitter reality, I believe spirituality to be the highest form of science that teaches us the art of observation, the wisdom of philosophy and the knowledge of the beyond which exceeds our physical senses and transcends towards divinity  and the invisible frontiers of an ether realm way beyond the limited materialistic recognition of our consciousness. If we are ever to comprehend spirituality we need to ascend to our sub consciousness and learn to navigate our unconsciousness and begin to enjoy the affluence of what is above is as what is below, only by doing so and only then we may initiate our quest of true knowledge and journey into space/time uniting with the Oneness of the creator freeing ourselves from the fetters of life that  binds us to this very limited dimension that we so much adore and instigate wars to retain…

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Many of us have grown to believe that the Garden of Eden is nothing but a myth infesting our imagination since ancient times and that what is conveyed to us by what is called Holy Books is nothing but a deterrent obstacle in the path of our human evolution. But Hold on, such defamed rumor is proving wrong as we advance in science and further pierce into the cosmos, the more we develop our science and technology the more we realize that there is an essence of truth to what is conveyed to us by Holy Books and ancient spiritual teachings of the first aborigines who paced across this planet.

The Garden of Eden or Kharsag do actually exist and it was definitely located in the Lebanon which is a part of the land of milk and honey of biblical sites.

Christian Obrien successfully identified and mapped it out in 1985 in one of the least suspected areas in the Middle East, a small city called Rashaya el Wadi which holds within its cliffs the Biblical Garden of Eden, called Kharsag by the Sumerians.

Christian Obrien relied on ancient texts such as the Nippur Tablets, the Book of Enoch (it is available at our website), the old and new testament and the Quran.

Google earth played another pivotal role in confirming what Christian Obrien suggested when in 2006 Edmund Marriage successfully identified a man made water reservoir, an irrigation channels and a water course extending to approximately one mile in length which matched the mapping of Obrien who in turn considered it to be the initiation of the Neolithic Era staring from 9.500 BC. And I am quite certain if funding was made available for an archeological expedition there will be found some great ruins buried beneath this holy threshold of humanity and cradle of civilization.

It is amazing what we can do when we learn to merge knowledge and combine the ancient and the new, we can simply perform miracles in the service of humanity and its cause, and indeed from history one may learn how to shape a better future…

It is believed that after the great deluge and flood of Noah, his Arch which was mentioned in Holy books rested upon the hilltop of Judi on the Mount Ararat.

Ararat Mountain Range, a volcanic mountain rising 5165 meters, 16,945 feet high above the surrounding planes of 3000 feet high.

When the waters receded the children of Noah spread in migration across the highlands of the ancient world some of them reaching to Mount Hermon in Lebanon where they made their first central settlement, in fact, there are many villages in the Beqa’a valley and the south of Lebanon carrying names of ancient decedents of Noah till present time such as the village of Seth Son of Noah…

Enoch described his trip to kharsag in the book of Enoch when he was accompanied by angels who summoned him to meet with the Elohims for his supposed initiation.

Book of Enoch contains details account of his life among the Elohims and the watchers, a group of master craftsmen and gurus arriving to Eden as reinforcement of the Elohim or the Shining ones. Eden is Kharsag region centered in Mount Hermon, the Rashaya El Wadi in Lebanon.

(EN VI: 6 VB) And they were in all two hundred, who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon…

Jared, the father of Enoch and fifth in line of Patriarchs after Adam born around 7736 BC probably 166 years before the arrival of the Watchers…

The watchers were dispatched to the lowlands and the highlands to teach the local inhabitants the agricultural techniques and means and tools to survive in the new world order of ancient times. They have chosen Enoch to be their scribe and liaison between the Shining ones and the locals.

They, the watchers were considered to be an inferior order in the Elohim group assigned to teach man and help him evolve and progress.

Enoch walked with the Elohim and later vanished to take his place with Elohim. As I mentioned in my previous articles about Enoch who is Thoth, and prophet Idris in Islam, and the Quran happens to confirm this narrative  as follows: (Quran, Mariam; 19,56-57: And make mention in the Scripture of Idris. Lo! he was a saint, a prophet; (56) And We raised him to high station. (57).

It is thought that this Garden of Eden was in fact the center of which agriculture was introduced to man, and cultivation of all types of fruits and vegetable within our consumption menu were experimented upon.

Kharsag is believed to be the region where the sky people (fallen angels) first descended onto earth and mixed and intermingled with man sharing with them knowledge wealth and breed, this intermingling is actually confirmed by one verse of the Quran stating the Satan would do so…(Quran; Al Isra-17; 60 to 64: (60) And when We said unto the angels: Fall down prostrate before Adam and they fell prostrate all save Iblis, he said: Shall I fall prostrate before that which Thou hast created of Clay? (61) He said: Seest Thou this (creature) whom Thou hast honoured above me, if Thou give me grace until the Day of Resurrection I verily will seize his seed, save but a few. (62) He said: Go, and whosoever of them followeth thee – lo! Hell will be your payment, ample payment. (63) And excite any of them whom thou canst with thy voice, and urge thy horse and foot against them, and be a partner in their wealth and children, and promise them. Satan promiseth them only to deceive. (64) Lo! My (faithful) bondmen – over them thou hast no power, and thy Lord sufficeth as (their) guardian).

I personally believe that what is known in mythology as the Anunakies actually is more than a myth and they do exist some of which are still imprisoned somewhere in the Lebanon region in some other dimension waiting to be unleashed when time is due.

If Lebanon was an epicenter of our evolution and transmigration, would Lebanon be involved in the last stage of current civilization, I wonder!
There will be more articles to explore the topic of the Anunakies at our website paradetect.com.

We hope to establish a fund to cover an expedition to investigate this site and other sites related to similar important events of our ancient past.

You can help by staying in touch with us


Adam El Masri

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