
Lebanon Brushed by Ancient Evil

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The current events accumulation in Lebanon and the acute socio/economical status in this forsaken land is of mammoth and probably biblical proportion, mammoth due to the lack of everything (infrastructure, security, and public services) in Lebanon for the last thirty five years, independence, Lebanon is suffering from the lack of independence, Lebanese are hostages taken by foreign interference since the 1070s and still are!

Biblical proportion; this is another story with a scary scenario of a hidden conspiracy which is related to the emergence of the antichrist and end of days prophecies in biblical manuscripts and diverse ancient texts attempted to interpret it…

According to the prediction of Hebrew prophet Isaiah Damascus would be reduced to rubbles and cease to exist, though, some scholars argue that this prophecy was fulfilled when the Assyrians conquered Aram the ancient name of Syria, but when Jeremiah came up with similar prediction century later this revived the possibility of pending status of its fulfillment (Isaiah 17:1-14 – Jeremiah 49:23 – 27).

Isaiah 17:1-2, “Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city, and it will be ruinous heap, The cities of Aroer are forsaken; they will be for flocks which lie down, and no one will make them afraid.”

The prophecy goes on to include the Land of Jordan and an Israeli attack on Damascus initiating another phase of the prophecy which involves the emergence of the antichrist and the initiation of the long predicted war of Armageddon, then there is another similar prediction from Imam Ali bin Abi Talib narrated by many scholars with a ref: to Nahjul balaghah and Al jifre which also mentions bloodshed and total destruction of the land of Sham and Damascus is the heart of Sham including part of Jordan and Lebanon, but what is the role of Lebanon in all of this!

According to another prophecy Tyre is considered to be at the center of events related to the antichrist; In Ezek 28:11-15 it mentions that Satan is the king of Tyre,   several biblical prophecies imply rather convincingly that the Antichrist would originate within Lebanon, He will rebuild Tyre, Lebanon.(Isa.23.1, 5-9,11,13,15,17,18). He will designate Tyre his political capital. (Ezek.  28,18-19).

To cut it short; the interpretations of such prophecies suggests that Tyre will for some reason be divided and separated by sea from its neighbors when the antichrist emerge from it.

The separation of Tyre could be due to an earthquake or a tsunami, since prophet Muhammad as also narrated requested from his followers to flee to high grounds prior to the coming of the antichrist… another story narrated states when Muhammad (pbuh) answered a question related to the origin of the Antichrist he stated from west west pointing his finger towards the west, Well Lebanon is West of Asia.

In conclusion; Lebanon seems to be somehow involved in the preparation for the coming Armageddon, the outbreak of armed conflicts spreading all over Lebanon and Lebanon’s failure to hold the due election is an initial spark to the division of Lebanon…

The interpretations of prophecies related to End of Days and Armageddon goes on to suggest that the United states will gradually withdraw its role from the Middle East while Russia will be more heavily involved, Iran and Syria are also directly involved and there will be a military confrontation between Israel and Syria resulting in the total destruction of Damascus…

The international response to the Syrian conflict fills the blanks in the prophecies and the involvement of foreign fighter in this conflict fortifies the fears of things to come, it in fact raises the fears of an international conspiracy aimed to fulfill the prophecies conditions in order to speed up the coming of Christ for the Christians and al Mahdi for the Muslims while Lebanese are too busy quarrelling over their election and their national identity.

A wake up call is needed to summon those in charge of Lebanese politics, future existence and identity to unite and confront the plot which might result in the annihilation of what we know as present Lebanon.

Adam El Masri

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