
Lebanon Election & Rouhani Factor

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Lebanon’s Election rumble and the turmoil resulting from failure to hold it will prove to be more serious than expected.

Will Lebanon live up to its legend as land of the phoenix the bird that resurrects back to life from its ashes and rescue its future or will it  be drawn into another civil unrest if not partitioning of its tiny territory with very little chance of survival…

The Rouhani Factor, who is Rouhani and what is the impact of his election on Lebanon election and the Syrian conflict.

Will this change in Iran transform the regional geopolitical scene, will it halt the predicted offensive upon the Iranian nuclear facilities, the Assad stance and military posture and the Hezbollah leadership structure and local strategy.

Why King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia interrupted his Moroccan vacation and hastened back to Saudi due to the current developments of events in the region.

Jordan formally requested from the United States to keep the patriots and F15s in Jordan, United States in return decides to keep up to 3000 of its military Special Forces and probably CIA operatives in Jordan.

Iran sends up to 4000 thousands of its revolutionary guards to Syria upon a pre election strategic planning, Israel claims the Rouhani election will not change Irans attitude on the Nuclear, Syria and Hezbollah status quo…

Syria and Hezbollah elevate their attack on Aleppo…

Who is Rouhani and will Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah remain in his leadership post as chairman of Hezbollah…

Many questions needs to be addressed and many answers needs to be dissected in order to establish a near accurate facts of what is to come in the Middle East in the next six month which is going to be a decisive phase of the region its future on the international stage.

Rouhani born Feridon on November 1948 is a politician, lawyer and diplomat recently elected to become the president of Iran republic to assume office in coming August. A member of Assembly of Experts since 92, and the Expediency Council since 91, a member of the Supreme National Security Council since 89 and a head of the Center for Strategic Research since 1992. He was also a deputy speaker of the Consultative Assembly and secretary of the Supremem National Security council since 1989 till 2005. But above all, He chaired the former nuclear negotiating team EU, and the Trio of France, Germany and the UK on the Iran’s nuclear program.

His announced agenda if elected was to prepare a civil rights charter, restore economy and improve Iran’s relationship with the western world.

Hassan Nasralla; born 31 August 1960 chairman of Hezbollah since 1992 after the assassination of the former chairman Abbas al Musawai by Israel Credited for ending the Israeli occupation of South Lebanon, the successful Lebanese and Palestinian prisoner’s exchange in 2004 between Hezbollah and Israel.

Let us do the arithmetic’s of the available facts we have at hand, what will we conclude? If anything else than a military conflict in preparation for the coming phase of the Middle East!

The Lebanese Election should have been held at any cost no matter what the consequences were.

The Lebanese people should have demonstrated their rights through riots and protests to force the election in its due time.

Unfortunately none of this happened and the Lebanese people and politicians yet again proved to be immature and not worthy of a holy land called Lebanon.

The least thing Lebanese could do right away is to hold a digital election to be sponsored by qualified committee to regain their rights of citizenship of this forsaken land.

Such an act would pressure local politicians to rethink their strategies and face the will of the Lebanese who are entering into an abstract poverty and total helplessness from their games of dirty sectarian politics which none of the majority of Lebanese are any longer interested in being tormented with…

Time is running out and unless such a step is implemented immediately there is a serious concern of Lebanon’s future, sustainability and survival.

Let this be a last warning and call upon any capable politician to take the needed steps to respond to this cry.

Adam El Masri

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